That old man dies prematurely whose memory records no benefits conferred. They only have lived long who have lived virtuously.

The genteel conservatism of 'Downton Abbey' is not a rigid, extremist ideology whose adherents are bent on power at all costs.

The nature of education fundamentally has not changed in a century - and I say this as someone whose parents are both teachers.

The job creators are members of America's vast middle class and the poor, whose purchases cause businesses to expand and invest.

For the last half of my life I have had the doubtful benefit of a brother whose literary reputation is much greater than my own.

For a country boy, poor as I was, whose constant worry was to be able to have enough to eat, the Army guaranteed one's survival.

I guess you could write a good song if your heart hadn't been broken, but I don't know of anyone whose heart hasn't been broken.

I never really liked Hollywood. I found it unreal - unreal and full of men and women whose lives were confused and full of pain.

The minute a person whose word means a great deal to others dare to take the open-hearted and courageous way, many others follow.

There is one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath.

Ambition is not in itself an evil; nor is he to be condemned whose spirit prompts him to seek fame by worthy and honourable ways.

I've been through quite a few hurricanes. I worked in North Carolina, where there's a housing development whose name was Landfall.

There is no person in this room whose basic rights are not involved in any successful defiance to the carrying out of court orders.

I don't want the World Dream Orchestra to be like a dessert whose taste is instantly forgotten as soon as you leave the restaurant.

Plant the love of the holy ones within your spirit; don't give your heart to anything, but the love of those whose hearts are glad.

A number of cases have been reported in which a dying individual has a vision of a person about whose death he or she did not know.

As someone whose profession relies heavily on physical activity, I definitely felt extra pressure to get back to my pre-baby shape.

Darling: the popular form of address used in speaking to a member of the opposite sex whose name you cannot at the moment remember.

All those people whose faces decorate the shopping bags of Barnes and Noble, with a few exceptions, would never get published today.

The gap between the committed and the indifferent is a Sahara whose faint trails, followed by the mind's eye only, fade out in sand.

I wanted to be a skinny little ballerina but I was a voluptuous little Italian girl whose dad had meatballs on the table every night.

For a dyed-in-the-wool author, nothing is as dead as a book once it is written. She is rather like a cat whose kittens have grown up.

Creatures whose mainspring is curiosity enjoy the accumulating of facts far more than the pausing at times to reflect on those facts.

An aristocracy in a republic is like a chicken whose head has been cut off; it may run about in a lively way, but in fact it is dead.

One important reason to stay calm is that calm parents hear more. Low-key, accepting parents are the ones whose children keep talking.

If there's any state in the country whose values are not consistent with the things Trump has been saying, it's the State of Maryland.

Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come - even if it came in a - living room - or to someone - with a humble living.

Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstract makes him a severe critic on his own works.

He is not dead who departs from life with a high and noble fame; but he is dead, even while living, whose brow is branded with infamy.

There are whole precincts of voters in this country whose united intelligence does not equal that of one representative American woman.

Mathematical science is in my opinion an indivisible whole, an organism whose vitality is conditioned upon the connection of its parts.

Whose rights will we acknowledge? Whose human dignity will we respect? For whose well-being will we, as a people, assume responsibility?

A shoe that is too large is apt to trip one, and when too small, to pinch the feet. So it is with those whose fortune does not suit them.

My story is the story of countless millions of children whose families and nations were torn apart for money in the name of Jesus Christ.

Only those within whose own consciousness the sun rise and set, the leaves burgeon and wither, can be said to be aware of what living is.

The man with a toothache thinks everyone happy whose teeth are sound. The poverty-stricken man makes the same mistake about the rich man.

One concept corrupts and confuses the others. I am not speaking of the Evil whose limited sphere is ethics; I am speaking of the infinite.

If there were a being in the world whose eyes could look into other people's hearts, very few men or women would be able to face up to it.

Editor: a person employed by a newspaper, whose business it is to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to see that the chaff is printed.

It's very easy to relate to a kid who is having trouble in high school... less so to relate to a billionaire whose Lamborghini broke down.

There are all kinds of people who continue to be largely ignored by advertisers, whose lives largely go unseen. They deserve their moment.

I don't think anybody whose ever been divorced can tell you divorce is easy or fun or feels like anything other than a tremendous failure.

Artificial intelligence is growing up fast, as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver.

The one who adapts his policy to the times prospers, and likewise that the one whose policy clashes with the demands of the times does not.

The bottom line is I'm writing to save the dead. I'm writing to save the people I have lost, some of whose bodies are still walking around.

Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom's. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.

I am in no mood to be deceived any longer by the crafty devil and false character whose greatest pleasure is to take advantage of everyone.

When we lift the wage floor, it not only betters the lives of those whose wages are directly affected, it also lifts the economy as a whole.

Shakespeare's words paint pictures in glorious colour in my language. They were written by a man whose use of words fits exactly into Xhosa.

The slave has but one master, the ambitious man has as many as there are persons whose aid may contribute to the advancement of his fortunes.

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