It would take wild horses to get me to talk.

I was fearless. Wild horses couldn't stop me.

Sadly, there are more wild horses in holding pens than in the wild.

You don't need a pack of wild horses to learn how to make a sandwich.

Wild horses couldn't drag me away from a summer on the Stockholm archipelago.

I represent a district in Nevada, a state that is home to more wild horses than all other states combined.

'Wild Horses' is my favourite Stones song. It's so beautiful. I don't mind that it was written for Bianca.

When I was in my twenties, it felt like I was riding wild horses, and I was hoping I didn't go over a cliff.

I didn't grow up around wild horses, no. But I've appreciated their beauty and their power ever since I can remember.

Adam Levine and I remade the Rolling Stones' classic Wild Horses, and it is right up my alley, that whole style. It has a style of its own but still stays very true to the classic arrangement, and I love it.

Although I agree that wild horses are a symbol of the American West, I also believe that it is the responsibility of Congress to ensure that these animals are managed, protected, and controlled in an effective manner.

When my generation, those early days of television - I know I've been thinking about this lately - my two flashes of me as a little boy. One, I'm standing in front of the radio freaking out that Nat King Cole's singing 'Lady of Spain', just this stuff coming out of the radio, and Guy Williams singing 'Wild Horses' coming out of the radio.

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