Friendship is a wildly underrated medication.

I was wildly interested in puberty as a child.

The facts of Watergate have been wildly exaggerated.

Acting is the most wildly overpaid position imaginable.

I don't write things that are wildly abstractly atonal.

I don't need to be wildly famous for my life to make sense.

You don't have to be born beautiful to be wildly attractive.

The Cold War was wildly expensive and consumed the entire globe.

The notion that somehow women are wildly different infuriates me.

When Yelp first took off, our rankings on Google would fluctuate wildly.

Imprisoned in every fat man a thin man is wildly signaling to be let out.

To stimulate wildly weak and untrained minds is to play with mighty fires.

Stage and film are just two wildly different animals. Why compare the two?

Chipotle was wildly successful, and I thought, 'Well, let me open one more.'

My dad was a film professor, so he would take me to wildly inappropriate movies.

It's not like I'm that wildly famous that it's disrupted my lifestyle in some way.

The people who think I'm famous are knitters. Most of my life, I'm wildly unrecognized.

I love epistolary novels and became wildly excited when the form presented itself to me.

My high-techness is pretty low-tech. I'm not wildly computer savvy. I'm a record person.

As ridiculous as I think the fashion and beauty industry is, I'm wildly obsessed with it.

In private, I'm a hippie who follows Buddhism, does yoga, meditates and loves to dance wildly.

I would find the idea of compiling a setlist that doesn't wildly excite me to be too restricting.

I discovered philosophy in my youth when I read 'wildly,' and thus I was exposed to the world of ideas.

Every movie is wildly different. So many of the problems are the same, but they take on different guises.

When things begin accelerating wildly out of control, sometimes patience is the only answer. Press pause.

My parents are very cool and wildly supportive - maybe almost too much. I want to tell them to chill out.

I'm wildly different than Maria Bamford or Sarah Silverman, and might be more similar to some male comics.

I'm generalizing wildly, but academic books find safety in explanations that reduce the chaos of social life.

My mother told me I was dancing before I was born. She could feel my toes tapping wildly inside her for months.

The war on drugs - a big-government product if there ever was one - has been wildly unsuccessful, by any metric.

Everyone has something that defines them, whether they're wildly intelligent or whether they have really big feet.

By all standards, except for 'Star Trek' standards, 98 episodes of any television show is a wildly successful run.

People who are deep thinkers, who have sort of a weird way of looking at the universe, are wildly attractive to me.

We're delighted to be working with Apple to offer fans a new and innovative way to experience our wildly popular shows.

Likings arise when one has no earthly reason for liking - the most wildly improbable marriages and uncommon friendship.

I'm a very lucky man in this chapter of my professional life, 'cause I get to do jobs with wildly different skill sets.

I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.

The Duffer Brothers are so attentive to story and detail while being wildly respectful of me and what I bring to the process.

'Power Play' is a morality tale for our post-Enron world and - not incidentally - wildly entertaining. Nothing wrong with that.

All equity categories, correctly calculated, create near-identical lifelong returns. They just get there via wildly differing paths.

I like to say I sit alone in my room, and I fight the language. I am wildly obsessive. I can't let something go if I think it's wrong.

I know that, as a comedian, I've made great strides because I've worked as hard as a person can work at being at least wildly amusing.

If it feels good, feels different, and falls in the middle of both of our wildly different tastes, then we know it's a Sofi Tukker song.

Life is a wildly transient thing with people coming into your life and dropping away. It definitely takes work to maintain relationships.

From Drew Barrymore to Robert Downey Jr., there's a long list of people who have faced their troubles, wildly overcome them, and succeeded.

I will always choose the dollar bill carrying a wildly fluctuating discount rather than the dollar bill selling for a quite stable premium.

I like to cook for myself or others, so I cook. I always read at night. Sometimes I go to the movies. I don't go out wildly during the week.

If you ask two people to remember a specific event, the stories are going to vary wildly because we always make ourselves out to be the hero.

Climbing is wildly diverse, ranging from the rock-climbing wall at the local health club to the cutting edge of major Himalayan Alpine ascents.

I have a deep compassion for the idea that it's okay to be myself. The idea that anything 'other' is bad and wrong and broken is so wildly off base.

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