I love William Gibson.

My name is not 'William Shatner.'

William Shatner just reeks of cool.

I'm not Gore Vidal or William Buckley.

My name is William Shatner, and I am Canadian!

William Gladstone has not a single redeeming defect.

I think William H. Macy is the best actor in Hollywood.

I don't have an agent - I have the William Morris Agency.

I wish my friends at William Morris Endeavor all the best.

I'm not trying to emulate William Faulkner. I never said I was.

I think everyone should read Governor William Bradford's diary.

If you're an illegal alien in Prince William County, I'd get out.

As a public servant, William H. Webster has an impeccable resume.

Not everyone has the survival skills of William Jefferson Clinton.

My favourite book in the world is 'Neuromancer' by William Gibson.

William Packard surely must be one of the great editors of our time.

No, I had the Levis guy on my wall, not a picture of William, sorry.

But guys such as Allen and William are more supportive than most men.

William Bennett is my patron saint, one of them. Redd Foxx is another.

They don't make people like Gore Vidal and William F. Buckley anymore.

I thought I'd be a success even back in the mailroom at William Morris.

I have a tendency to evolve into William Shatner, with my big fat face.

William Regal has been the most influential person in my entire career.

Marry Prince William? I'd love that. Who wouldn't want to be a princess?

My first assistant-coaching job in football was at William & Mary in 1961.

I consider William Gay one of the great writers that no one has ever heard of.

It was a dark period of my life when William Hung was the most famous Asian man.

It's been Bill for so long people think my name is William, but it's not, it's Mark.

The William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh... was the place where Champagne Music was born.

The GOP was once the party of William F. Buckley Jr., Ronald Reagan, and John McCain.

I am one of the graduates of the William Morris famous, famous mail room from the '60s.

The mystical poetry of William Blake's artwork also forms the basis for the album cover.

I'm actually named Matthew William Kearney: my middle name is named after my grandfather.

Dramatic fiction - William Shakespeare made his biggest mark writing dramatic love stories.

I stopped modeling so I could go to drama school at the William Esper Studio. It's Meisner.

I'm honored to receive the support of former Republican candidate for governor, William Woods.

If Beethoven could write his 'Eroica Symphony' stone deaf, then William Wyler can do a musical.

My ranch William S. Hart Park is for the benefit of the American Public of every race and creed.

There's no one quite like William - I bet he's really kind. You can just tell by looking at him.

The William Morris Agency handled me. In that business, you're only as good as your last picture.

William Kittredge's 'Hole in the Sky' is one of my favorite books. Ian Frazier's 'Family' I adore.

I knew William Burroughs really well, and I was always star struck being around him. I adored him.

William Trevor is an author I admire; his stories are subtle and powerful, and beautifully written.

I always like Iain Banks science fiction stuff and William Gibson's cyberpunk stuff from the 1980s.

William and I feel that every child deserves to be supported through difficult times in their lives.

When I was starting to write, the great influence was T.S. Eliot and after that William Butler Yeats.

My son William and my daughter Amy are both really into their hockey now and I can enjoy watching that.

Seldom has a politician left public office with more self-generated fanfare than Sen. William S. Cohen.

With us tonight is William Warfield, who is with us tonight. He is a wonderful man, and so is his wife.

William James was not a prophet. He was a philosopher whose philosophy reflected his profound humanity.

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