Very skinny women don't look beautiful in clothes.

I really want to make clothes that are feminine and help women look beautiful.

I think all beautiful women have a clean look. They like things that are simple.

I think women want to look beautiful. I think that's an important thing. It is relevant.

We don't tell women how to look but give them the products and inspiration they need to feel and look beautiful.

I don't get this whole super-skinny obsession. I really think women look more beautiful when they let their curves show.

Fashion should be about making clothes that make all women look beautiful, not making women starve so that they can fit in a size 8.

They know they're going to look beautiful, and I don't think women should look like costumes. They shouldn't look like fashion victims.

I don't think thin brows will make a comeback; women have finally seen how much more beautiful their look can be with a properly shaped eyebrow.

It is important for women to feel beautiful when she looks in the mirror, and I tell women, 'If you don't feel beautiful, find one thing that you can look in that mirror and say, 'That is beautiful.'

You have to deal with the fashion egos. You know, there is a lot. It shouldn't be treated that seriously because fashion is only making dresses to make women look beautiful. We're not inventing anything new.

I am trying to capture the women I photograph at their happiest. That is when they look their most beautiful. But I do understand that you have to make somebody feel completely comfortable in order to bring that out.

I think I look for a muse in women. Someone I can just picture in my mind. Someone who respects herself and others. It isn't so much the things she says, it's mainly what she does. That's what make her all the more beautiful.

I think it's so important to represent beautiful, natural, healthy Black hair on television and in media, so the young women who feel pressured to look a certain way can see they are beautiful and their hair doesn't have to look a certain way to be professional.

If you look at it, the corset is a very beautiful item, but when I put one on, I realized how little you could actually move. And I'm a very physical person: I talk with my hands. And I felt how the clothes took that away from me. And that was the idea, I think. It was a way of limiting women.

I don't do any microdermabrasion or any type of injections in my skin because I think that's really just temporary. And if the nerve system is damaged... I know some women who thought they would look much more beautiful if they had something done, and then their lives were destroyed because of that.

If you're comfortable with yourself, then you'll look beautiful. If you're not feeling comfortable with yourself, than that kind of shows. I think that as cheesy as the pageant industry can be seen at times, it actually does help women - boosting their confidence and growing into their own. I have to give it credit for that.

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