I'd love to play Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman is a lot of fun to draw.

We all have a Wonder Woman inside us.

My mother would make a good Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman is such an amazing character.

I truly feel like I'm a living Wonder Woman.

When I was a kid, I thought I was Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman is one of my favorite superheroes.

I represent the 'Wonder Woman' of the new world.

I love what Brian Azzarello did with Wonder Woman.

I would love to play Wonder Woman on the big screen.

Wonder Woman is not horrible. Her villains should be.

My personal motto is: WWWWD?: What Would Wonder Woman Do?

People always want me to talk about Wonder Woman, so I do.

Wonder Woman isn't even American; she's an Amazon princess.

Wonder Woman is very much her own character. She thinks big.

I'd love to do a superhero movie, like a remake of Wonder Woman.

I'm a huge Wonder Woman fan - I have about 12 coffee mugs at home!

I think that what Wonder Woman stands for is gorgeous and incredible.

Wonder Woman was my first love, and now she’s [Charlotte Kemp Muhl) my last.

I'm not interested in being Wonder Woman in the delivery room. Give me drugs.

I've always wanted to be Wonder Woman, of course. She had the greatest costume.

Saying yes all the time won't make me Wonder Woman. It will make me a worn out woman.

I'm really very visually attracted to Wonder Woman. She just looks great on the page.

Of course I've been called everything; Wonder Wonder Woman, Wonder Bra, Wonder Bread.

There's Batman, there's Superman, there's Wonder Woman. She's the full-blown real deal.

I'm certainly not the lead of the film 'Wonder Woman' and I don't have a problem with that.

If I could play any superhero, I'd probably want to play Wonder Woman. She's pretty awesome.

We want to teach a better way and to be a hero, and there's no one like Wonder Woman to do it.

I also had Wonder Woman Underoos that I really liked. I actually wore them as an outfit to school.

I collect Wonder Woman - from comics to paraphernalia, and I even have a tattoo of her on my back.

Not even girls want to be girls so long as our feminine archetype lacks force, strength, and power.

Wonder Woman is lame. She flies around in an invisible jet, but she's not invisible. I don't get it.

I want to make great films in my lifetime, and I really want to make a great film about Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman is out there very much defending the right and being strong and being a positive role model.

I grew up watching Wonder Woman; I grew up watching Batman. I grew up watching George Reeves as Superman.

I always admired Wonder Woman and the Incredible Hulk - but I don't know if I'd be a very convincing hulk.

I'm excited to see her power really soar and us have a great time having a great Wonder Woman in our world.

All my kids love superheroes, but my middle daughter in particular is obsessed with Wonder Woman and Batgirl.

My first time in front of a camera, I said, 'Wonder Woman, I'm so glad you're here.' That's how I made a living.

Frankly, Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world.

When I did 'Wonder Woman,' I was especially proud that I had both a very large straight female and gay male following.

One of the funny things about Wonder Woman is that everybody does love her. She does win everybody over at some point.

I'm a Batman fan from Day 1. My daughter's favorite is Wonder Woman, and my son loves The Flash, Cyborg, and Superman.

About the time I was 7, I got really into black-exploitation films, so I made my own Wonder Woman, but I made her black.

Wonder Woman was on TV when I was growing up, and I knew Lynda Carter was part Latina. It gave me a great sense of pride.

'Wonder Woman' was on TV when I was growing up, and I knew Lynda Carter was part Latina. It gave me a great sense of pride.

Without Wonder Woman, there would be no Black Canary; without a Superman, there would be no Flash. They all come from that.

The difference between Superman and Wonder Woman is not strength or power level or origin but the fact that she is a woman.

There weren't a lot of action roles growing up - there were a few, maybe, like Wonder Woman, but then it wasn't real action.

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