I have wondered about time all my life.

I just wondered how things were put together.

Can you call and thank reviewers? I always wondered that.

I've always written about heroes and wondered who they are.

I have often wondered why I was never captain of the Lakers.

I've always been one of those people who wondered 'What if...'

I don't know if comedy is a male sport. I always wondered that.

I always wondered what it would be like to have a normal childhood.

I've always wondered: is there really any access to the White House?

I wondered if I would talk about drug use. But I guess, why hide it?

Human beings have long wondered whether they are alone in the universe.

I never wondered whether I should be a stage actress or a movie actress.

Everyone has wondered if his or her life will ultimately be a happy one.

Many times I wondered if I were truly carrying out God's plan for my life.

As a theater actor I always wondered, 'Is there a place for me in Hollywood?'

When I was 14, during Kim Il-sung's funeral, I wondered, 'How could a god die?'

I honestly wondered how on earth I would manage to combine work and motherhood.

I always wondered how it would be to put on a Braves uniform and play in Atlanta.

When I was younger, I wondered if it was possible to be a good person and a writer.

I was proud of the waves I had made, but wondered how many boats I was supposed to rock.

There've been times where I wondered whether it was worth continuing in my own education.

Sometimes I've looked at a plate of food and wondered if it wouldn't look better as a hat.

Have you ever wondered what your subconscious mind looks like? Well today, I can show you.

Watching previous figure skaters, I always wondered why they cried after their performance.

I had a cancer scare in the early '90s, and for a few months, I wondered if I would make it.

In the '70s I was in exile; every time I went back I wondered if they'd take my passport away.

Did a man really walk on the moon? I saw plenty of documentaries on it, and I really wondered.

I grew up looking at National Geographic. I always wondered who was taking the photos and how.

I'd often wondered what would I do if I were ever traded, because it happened many, many times.

I always wondered why somebody doesn't do something about that. Then I realized I was somebody.

There was a period of time in Los Angeles when I wondered if I was just going to lose everything.

I've always wondered, what am I going to do that's important with these stupid jokes that I tell.

What is the difference between the novelist and the liar? At some moments, I have often wondered.

I have always wondered why I don't get as many good roles in Malayalam as I do in other languages.

What is it about the component of fire? People have written about it. People have wondered about it.

Even the greatest actors have had dry spells where they've wondered if they were going to work again.

Where was I going? I puzzled and wondered about it til I actually enjoyed the puzzlement and wondering.

When we were recording, sometimes I wondered if what we were doing would even be possible to play live.

Many's the audition I waltzed into unprepared and wondered why I didn't get it. I learned the hard way.

If you've ever wondered what it's like to be with me in the pub or a club, just watch 'Celebrity Juice.'

There have been a few times when I wondered if I was ever going to take a wicket, but you never give up.

I've always wondered, am I a writer who preaches or a preacher who writes? I don't know. I love them both.

I wondered how they would top the Pirates and skeletons and moonlight, because that's a pretty cool concept.

All the world wondered as they witnessed... a people lift themselves from humiliation to the greatest pride.

Really, sex and laughter do go very well together, and I wondered - and I still do - which is more important.

I've often wondered what it would have been like if we'd had cable news during the Vietnam War and Watergate.

Often have I wondered with much curiosity as to our coming into this world and what will follow our departure.

I wondered had I really oversold the Hubble. I have to admit that, since, I have been convinced that I didn't.

I've got every possible thing I could want. And I wondered, 'Why am I so depressed?' I still don't know sometimes.

I remember sitting by my window, wishing upon the stars that my skin condition would go away. I wondered, 'Why me?'

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