I always want to do good work and enjoy doing it.

I have no interest in doing anything other than good work.

There's never a surefire good career move except doing good work.

Whether you're doing Shakespeare or Disney, good work is good work.

Financially, I'm fine. But it's good to work. I'm not capable of doing nothing.

I think when you're doing good work, you don't necessarily need to be validated.

In America, we like everyone to know about the good work we're doing anonymously.

I don't have massive ambitions to be anywhere other than in this country doing good work.

I enjoy doing comedy for the fact that you go to work and you laugh. That's a good combination.

As an artist, one of the ingredients to doing good work is self-awareness, and that's something I cultivate.

There's no problem with trying to be successful, but it's all about just doing good work. It's not about fame.

I learned a lot when I was 14 and 15 years old doing chores inside and outside the household, and as a result, I grew up with a good work ethic.

Whether you're an obstetrician or a third-grade teacher or a real estate agent, you know when you're doing good work. You're passionate about it.

Research indicates that employees have three prime needs: Interesting work, recognition for doing a good job, and being let in on things that are going on in the company.

We shouldn't be afraid to fail- if we are not failing we are not pushing. 80% of the stuff in the studio is not going to work. If something is not good enough, stop doing it.

When I was young, I liked to be acknowledged in class by little gestures such as a small red star for doing something good. Now that I'm older, I still want to be acknowledged for good work.

The issue of gender was never my biggest concern; my biggest concern was doing good work. When the feminist movement really got going, I wasn't an active part of it because I was more concerned with my own mental pursuits.

It doesn't happen very often that you get to work with some really good friends of yours and there's a common language between everyone, you don't have to explain what you're doing, you can just run with it. It makes it just so much easier and more relaxed.

I've gotten pretty good with a tray between acting jobs. In fact, when I got the TV show 'Gravity' I was still doing my catering work. I told my director I had to miss rehearsal because I had to work a party. He was like, 'You're on TV. You need to get over that.'

Perfectionism and procrastination have such a fine line. You say, 'Well, I want it to be good. I want it to be perfect.' But what you're really doing is not doing your work. You're putting off showing up and being visible because then you're going to be judged, and it might suck.

College is something I've always said I wanted to do, but you're going there to get a piece of paper that says you can get a job, but if I'm already working steadily and doing good work, it makes you question your priorities. Right now, I'm in my own film college: filming a TV show.

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