I want to do good work in the world.

I don't think there's any thrill in the world like doing work you're good at.

Me and Kyle O'Reilly have wrestled all around the world. We've done good work.

Yogaraj Bhat has many good feeling on his work. I know about it. He wants to take Kannada to world level.

The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of the world.

I'm just going to write my books and do my work and release it. Let the world decide what it is, and if it's any good or not.

I'm not interested in world domination. I'm interested in running a nice little brand that takes care of its own and does really good work.

It's a very good thing for students also to be exposed to people who aren't film students or film scholars but who work in the world of film.

I have watched and tracked Zeuge since he won the World Title against Giovanni De Carolis. He's a good fighter with decent foot work in particular.

Leaving school or college and heading out into the world of work is never easy, even in good times. It's a huge transition as well as a practical challenge.

If I have a name out there from this thing called 'American Idol,' I don't understand why anyone wouldn't use it for good. That's the way the world should work.

Four world titles is a good swath at the top of the podium. The Olympics didn't work out for a couple of reasons, but it feels good when people say 'four world titles.'

If you become world champions, there is nothing to top that. It's the result of many years of work, good decisions inside the association, good training and good players.

The world is small, and the film industry is even smaller. So, if someone does something wrong, you really can't hide it, and if it's good work, it also can't remain hidden.

There are a lot of people doing good work, but we need to get the burning of fossil fuels off the highways and speedways of the world, so that we'll step up on global warming.

Whatever you are inside, the good and bad will manifest in the outside world. It will come out in some way. It will come out in your work. It will come out in words. It will come out.

Not everybody in this league is the most talented guy in this world, but they're able to stay in this league and make a good living for themselves because they work really hard at it and perfected certain things.

A good way to take a baby step into the world of animal rights is to make a list of small things you can do to help your issue and work your way up to the big things. Make a promise to do one thing on your list each month.

I always had to have a job in the summer when I was at school. It was about teaching me, and my brother and sisters, a good work ethic and making sure we knew there were no handouts. We had to find our own way in this world.

I didn't invent something; I just chose to find my strengths and do things that make me happy and work with businesses I'm proud of and create strategies that I think work. And so far, so good, but I'm not changing the world.

I just let the work speak for itself. An actor is not afraid to take risks; to put on different hats; to be a good guy, a bad guy, a victim, an abuser. There are all kinds of people in the world, and playing them is what acting is all about.

I am quite surprised, that with all my work, and some of it is very, very good, that nobody talks about The Miracle Worker. We're talking about Mrs. Robinson. I understand the world... I'm just a little dismayed that people aren't beyond it yet.

I discuss everything with Tanushree no matter which part of the world she is in. She is the reason I make good decisions. She advises me to concentrate and work hard. She keeps telling me that she is proud of me - that makes me content with my work.

Of course, everyone in the New World is an immigrant or a descendant of immigrants, and immigrants have built America and continue to do so. Legal or illegal, they are almost universally good people who work to better their lot and that of their children.

Whatever you wanna be, just, at the end of the day, if you're being a good person, which is not hard to be, and you're putting positive energy into the world, and you're appreciative and loving to the people around you that care about you and everybody in general, then it'll work out.

You'd expect, as good Darwinian creatures, we would evolve to be fascinated with how the world really is, and we would use language to convey real-world information, we'd be obsessed with knowing the way things are, and we would entirely reject stories that aren't true. They're useless. But that's not the way we work.

Architects design buildings; that's what we do, so we have to go with the flow; and, even though I'm still an old Leftie, global capitalism does have its good side. It's broken down barriers - the Berlin Wall, the Soviet Union - it's raised a lot of people up economically, and for architects, it has meant that we can work around the world.

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