I wanted to have a body of work behind me before I wrote about racism.

I work out every body part twice a week, and that is what helps me stay in shape.

Image, lyrics, content, storytelling, cohesive body of work - that's Prince to me.

I was a dancer, so for me, if I don't work out for a week or move my body in some sense, I feel weird.

I ended up having an epiphany that no body of work I put out will ever mean as much to me as '3:33 AM.'

It's really important to me that the songs not only stand out individually but work as a full body of work, too.

Now, if some panic hits me, you have to sort of be friends with your body, it's like your body will work against you.

We're going to work hard on my body, put on some muscles. That's going to help me a lot to run faster, to move quicker, to jump higher.

I take the responsibility of choosing seriously because it becomes an indelible part of your body of work. Something has to sing to me.

The tattoos on my legs started because they didn't let me get tattoos on my upper body at work. They would never clear me for anything.

I feel like, for me as an artist, it takes me a while of living with the tracks and living with the body of work to realize what it's all about.

There are different angles you have to work with as a hitter. Figuring out with my body what helps me get into those angles... is a constant discovery.

I need to put the right things in my body before and after I work out, so I end every workout with some sort of protein shake to help me get the most out of my training.

It took years for me to figure out what my body needs and that what works for my friends doesn't necessarily work for me. Doing yoga five times a week has transformed my body.

People see my body and ask me what I do to work out. I play a lot of basketball, so I'm constantly dribbling and running up the court. I take a basketball with me everywhere I go!

With wrestling, we're still athletes. I train like we're an athlete as opposed to a body builder. Some people still have that body-builder mentality. But not from me. I do a lot of agility work and stuff like that.

With 'Bring It On,' I really have to give most of the credit to the people who lifted me up. In cheerleading, a lot of the work is from the guys lifting you, and my body would just have to stay straight or firm or tight.

I heard we'll get you a pass because we know you're married to a black woman. You're married to a sister so we'll give you that pass but also, those who know me but also if they look at the body of work, it is the bigger picture.

Off the field, Ronaldo was also focusing on everything extensively, such as resting up properly and strengthening his body. After training sessions, he would often work on his free-kicks and then come to me and say, 'Edwin, can you go in goal?'

The old-timers taught me about psychology. Whatever body part, for instance, you decided to work on, well, you worked on. If you're working on someone's arm, you don't go to the head with headlocks. You don't go to the lower body. If you start with a body part, you stay with a body part.

Running is a way for me to relax. With one hour of intense running, I can get a lot of physical exercise. I can relax my body. I feel a tension in my muscles when I don't run. In that sense, I need to get out a few times a week in order to do my work as a scientist, which involves a lot of sitting still.

I know I'm not perfect at giving my body what it needs to refuel after a run. Recognizing my bad habits has helped me pay more attention to what I eat. I have been known to rush through my day without making nutrition a priority, so I work hard to prepare healthy snacks in advance of my runs and while the kids are at school.

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