I'm always pleased when people respond to the work.

I have always believed in helping people whose work I admire.

There is an edginess in my work that people don't always recognize.

It's nice getting to always work with such extremely talented people.

I always sympathized with the people who did work for hire; I was one of them.

It's always a pleasure when you get to work with people that you actually really like.

I always want to be surrounded by likeminded people. I cannot work with grumpy people.

I always tell people that you should only hire people to be on your team if you would work for them.

Poor people are those who only work to try to keep an expensive lifestyle and always want more and more.

People always ask, 'How do you write so many books?' And I say, I work a lot. I work six or seven days a week.

I've always kinda wanted to work with Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, and people like that. Probably Will Smith, too.

I kind of always think my work is unfilmable, and when I meet people who are interested in filming it, I'm always stunned.

Firms are not always willing to cut wages, even if there are people lined up outside the gates to work. So why don't they?

I've always just focused on the work, and I've just tried to be honest with the work. If the work speaks to people, fantastic.

I always told guys you don't date people you work with, it's not going to work. I said it for years and then I broke my own motto.

I do work a lot on arguing that things which people assume are always wrong are not necessarily so and, indeed, can often be right.

You are often asked to explain your work, as if the reader isn't able to work it out. And people always try and label you by your work.

I was just like that anyhow - wherever I used to work, jobs-wise, I'd always be in the canteen talking to people and laughing and everything.

It seems like I always had to work harder than other people. Those nights when everybody else is asleep, and you sit in your room trying to play scales.

People always say that my work is sensational or shocking but there are truly shocking things you could do, and my sculptures don't go anywhere near that.

If there's one thing I've always taken care of with my work, it's that it's never an advertisement for anything other than the work itself and for the people it's about - no 'Coca-Cola presents.'

In my standup work, I always do these characters, older people who are just off to the side. It's easier to write a story about the guy who made it to the top, but the middle is so much more interesting, so much more murky.

My constituency, the majority of them are Republicans, but the biggest majority of them are people who really vote for people because of their individuality and because of how hard they work. And that's what I've always done.

We always talk about how you have to build a brand from the inside out, not the outside in. Brands are not wrappers. Brands are based on the values of the founders, and then they spread to the people who work for the company, and then that psychological contract is spread to the customer.

I always have been an entertainer, whether it's been joking or performing for people. And I always thought I had a talent, because I could rap and I could sing, and I did write. And all the other kids were going to college, but I just felt like I had to do this first, and if it didn't work, then I would go to college.

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