I'm glad to have work.

To be is to be related.

I'm not afraid to work.

Management must manage!

I'm focused on my work.

Management must manage!

Work ... is redemption.

How do I work? I grope.

My work... is my legacy.

The computer is a moron.

Labor is God's education.

Change is such hard work.

I will keep working hard!

Swifter, higher, stronger.

Start before you’re ready.

Work is love made visible.

Honor lies in honest toil.

Work first, and then rest.

I often work by avoidance.

Hire disrespectful people.

Statistics are for losers.

Labor gives birth to ideas.

Life is a work in progress.

Housekeeping ain't no joke.

Many hands make light work.

In work, do what you enjoy.

I don't work with a stylist.

I'm working myself to death.

I need to work to feel well.

We work and that is godlike.

All progress is experimental.

Make good use of bad rubbish.

Good workmen are seldom rich.

Implementation beats oration.

Work without love is slavery.

Failure has gone to his head.

It gets late early out there.

Drank a lot of take home pay.

Play is the work of childhood.

The only way round is through.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Everything yields to diligence.

Work is much more fun than fun.

Without labor nothing prospers.

I am exhausted if I don't work.

Unraveling the web of Penelope.

Out of the work comes the work.

A man's perfection is his work.

I never practice; I always play.

Do your work, but do your thing.

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