Laziness is the mother of all evils.

To retire is the beginning of death.

I still have that new senator smell.

Work to learn. Don't work for money.

The worst cynicism: a belief in luck.

Those who work much do not work hard.

Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.

Great ideas originate in the muscles.

To the worker, God himself lends aid.

Work is not a curse, but drudgery is.

CAVILER, n. A critic of our own work.

There is no substitute for hard work.

If we live truly, we shall see truly.

Quality is everyone's responsibility.

In books, or work, or healthful play.

I don't live to work; I work to live.

Housework can kill you if done right.

Who am I to tamper with a masterpiece?

If a job's worth doing, it's too hard.

The thicker the hay; the easier mowed.

I don't want to work. I want to smoke.

What you are will show in what you do.

You can and you must expect suffering.

I don't have hobbies. I have passions.

It is work which gives flavor to life.

Nothing makes a man so selfish as work.

Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.

What one has to do usually can be done.

The work of art is a scream of freedom.

One works without thinking how to work.

Good things happen to those who hustle.

Inspiration comes of working every day.

The world is ashamed of being virtuous.

The pay is good and I can walk to work.

Work is a necessary evil to be avoided.

I work 338 days a year, 16 hours a day.

Careers are a jungle gym, not a ladder.

All grand thoughts come from the heart.

God created man, but I could do better.

If you work hard, nothing is impossible.

Joyful is the accumulation of good work.

Practice non-action. Work without doing.

Extraordinary how potent cheap music is.

Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.

Fortune cannot aid those who do nothing.

Don't suffer fools or you'll become one.

If I don't need the money, I don't work.

We have much work ahead, to stand still.

Congenial labor is essence of happiness.

Where our work is, there let our joy be.

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