I workout regularly with a trainer. It is relaxing for me.

Don't be lazy; workout and diet is the only way to get fit.

I come to Fashion Week events in New York City twice a year.

I don't do this to be healthy, I do this to get big muscles.

A diplomat is a man who thinks twice before he says nothing.

There is no reason to be alive if you can't do the deadlift!

Sometimes you've got to make your work and workouts co-exist.

I bike everywhere. It's a good workout, and it's so much fun.

If you always do what you did, you'll always get what you got.

You need to be dedicated to your workout, whatever you choose.

I want kids to enjoy skating and I think it's a great workout.

Don't be fooled. I kept all my workout clothes in that top hat.

The sky is the limit. You never have the same experience twice.

I work out four to five days a week, alternating three workouts.

Horror movies are hard work. Why don't we make a horror workout?

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being

To enable men to exercise that power is the object of protection.

The pain of discipline is nothing like the pain of disappointment

Any outdoor sport like volleyball can also be played as a workout.

Think of every step in a workout as a step in the right direction.

Put fire into your workout any you burn off worry and frustration!

The toughest workout can never match the pain of being out of work.

I never get bored of a workout, because I feel great after a session.

You wouldn't think sex could actally be a workout, but if done right.

Be careful not to compromise what you want most for what you want now.

There is no subject so old that something new cannot be said about it.

All you need to do is workout, and eat right, shut up and listen to me.

I am trying to attend every training session and do all of my workouts.

A buddy will keep you honest and add a dimension of fun to your workout.

My workout is ballet class and rehearsal - I've never belonged to a gym.

Mediocre athletes that tried like hell to get good are the best coaches.

Running through airports with pounds of luggage - that's a good workout.

If you give yourself to your task at once, you won't have to do it twice.

Workout. Lead a balanced life and try to have fun. It's what you make it.

Every guy has to own a good pair of sweats. Any good workout gear, really.

Men should think twice before making widow hood woman's only path to power.

There is nothing like chess to keep the brain smart, and give it a workout.

Most workouts are way too aggressive. Thousands of lunges wear out the body.

Just remember, somewhere, a little Chinese girl is warming up with your max.

Skiing makes me feel great, and it gives my legs such an incredible workout.

It's very important for me to wake up and do some form of workout every day.

I think I'm going to do a workout tape called 'Hand to God to Abs of Steel.'

Strong people are harder to kill than weak people and more useful in general.

I'm very rarely in the gym. My workouts are predominantly outside, in nature.

Don't quit. You're already in pain. You're already hurt. Get a reward from it!

You can't get fit in one workout, just as you can't live your life in one day.

Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.

When I workout early in the morning, the rest of the day feels so much better.

The best feeling in the world is a hard workout, a shower, and a protein shake.

I was the original voice of Mattels Barbie for an 80s claymation workout video.

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