There is a marvelous turn and trick to British arrogance; its apparent unconsciousness makes it twice as effectual.

Stretching before and after every workout keeps muscles supple and helps elongate the lines of a ballerina's limbs.

That's the classic nature of people, though. We'll skip the basics and get pissed when the sexy stuff doesn't work.

Live Foods and Exercise = Good Health and Happiness. Make eating the right foods and daily workouts a top priority.

Don't workout because you think you 'need' to, do it because your body deserves love, respect and healthy attention.

There's a thrill when you have a hard set, a rugged workout, and you feel it, and you take it, and you go beyond it.

Half the struggle is just getting yourself to the gym or getting yourself in your workout gear and ready for action.

When I'm older, I want to have my own workout clothes line, like leggings and cute jackets in bright and fun colors.

I thought I knew how to work out before I immersed myself into boxing. I now know what an extreme workout really is.

In the United States, workouts tend to focus on body image and how you look. For me, it's really all about the brain.

Because I travel so much, I bring my workout clothes and shoes wherever I go. That way I can always do some exercise.

If you eliminate the junk food, you don't really run the risk of gaining weight if you've got a good workout routine.

The bottom line is that there is a lot more that could and should be done to help people with nutrition and exercise.

For my workout, I'm up at 4 A.M. I say my prayers, count my blessings, and I work out right away. I just get it done.

Nay, be a Columbus to whole new continents and worlds within you, opening new channels, not of trade, but of thought.

It's tricky when I'm constantly traveling and adjusting to new time zones and trying to also keep up with my workouts.

We overload in our workouts so that the game slows down in real life. It helps you become a smarter basketball player.

Never underestimate the power that one good workout can have on your mind. Keeping the dream alive is half the battle.

Get over it - If you have a bad workout or run a bad race, allow yourself exactly 1 hour to stew about it-then move on.

If I hold up one corner of a square and the student cannot workout the other three for himself, I won't go any further.

I don't go to the gym because I don't have time, but I do pilates workout DVDs for 20 minutes or more every day at home.

Winners compare their achievements with their goals, while losers compare their achievements with those of other people.

There is an expression among even the most advanced runners that getting your shoes on is the hardest part of any workout

I am ready. I'm in great shape. My workouts have been great. I'm ready to get back and help a team get to the Super Bowl.

A great start to the perfect day - a world-class workout at the gym... It's hard to feel miserable after a great workout.

I'm not the kind of guy who tries to run between the drops. Sometimes you gotta get a little wet to reach your destination

One things guys have to remember is consistency... You can't make up for three years of eating poorly in just one workout.

Your love for what you do and willingness to push yourself where others aren't prepared to go is what will make you great.

I take a lot of pride in being flexible, preserving my body. After a workout, I ice both feet, my calves, knees and stretch.

I was introduced to spinning. It was so intense! It's the hardest workout you've ever done, and afterwards you feel amazing.

Generally I prefer to stay indoors and workout at the gym, but I love to be active and go hiking, do anything and everything.

Swimming is good for you, especially if you're drowning. Not only do you get a cardiovascular workout but also you don't die.

Greatness is a lot of small things done well. Day after day, workout after workout, obedience after obedience, day after day.

I plan on working out for the first part of the day, because if I let my day get away from me, the workout is out the window!

During the week I have workout every day from 9 to noon, then I get to rest, then back to the gym from 4:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M.

I live in California, so I do stand-up paddle board, which is a killer workout. I also run, about four miles every three days.

Depending on the day, I might be catching a flight, going to show, but no matter what when I wake up I got to get a workout in.

I'm really into my running workout. Running really helps me clear my head and makes me feel good, especially when I'm stressed.

I like to hit the gym early in the morning. I feel better throughout the day when I get in a workout first thing in the morning.

I always do some sort of plank exercise - whether it's a regular plank or a side plank, I always incorporate it into my workout.

It's the cross-training that's key. It doesn't let your body adapt to one stimulus too much and it keeps your workouts exciting.

My workout routine changed pretty dramatically in the NFL. Workout programs from college to the NFL are significantly different.

Getting through a workout is just very fulfilling. That 'Ah, I didn't want to do it but I did it and now I feel 10 times better.'

I've said that playing the blues is like having to be black twice. Stevie Ray Vaughan missed on both counts, but I never noticed.

Any workout which does not involve a certain minimum of danger or responsibility does not improve the body - it just wears it out.

I have nothing against tricep kickbacks, but I'd rather have you do a skater's lunge with a kickback and get a lower body workout.

It's the gymnasium of life where you get the workout, the resistance, and you find out things about yourself that you didn't know.

I don't look at a knife the way I used to. I'm more aware of what it is. I think twice. This is a key finger. It's in every chord.

I wanted to become one of the best guards in the NBA. In order to accomplish that, I had to increase the intensity of my workouts.

After hooking up the fuel line and pumping a little gasoline through the hose, I prepared for a workout on the 'coach's ergometer'.

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