The world is a better place with Walmart in it.

Facebook really has made the world a better place.

The world is a better place with Saddam Hussein gone.

You'd like to leave the world a better place than it was before.

If everyone played the ukulele, the world would be a better place.

It is our job to make a difference and leave the world a better place.

I'm used to my films having little effect on making the world a better place.

We are a better Nation and the world is a safer place because of Ronald Reagan.

Of all follies there is none greater than wanting to make the world a better place.

The world does not get to be a better or a worse place; it just gets more senescent.

I think if we took away that toxic masculinity then the world would be a much better place.

If we all had a little bit of Michael Jackson in us, I think it would make the world a better place.

Indeed, the world is a better place because there was such a leader as President Gordon B. Hinckley.

I want to impact the world through futuristic yet affordable technologies to make the world a better place.

In the case of Papa Pope, certainly he's making his daughter's world and the world of the republic a much better place.

I think that if every Christian acted like Christ, the world would be a better place. If every Muslim acted like Muhammad, according to modern law, they would have to be jailed.

My sister does all this community-service type stuff in Portland that makes the world a much better place. And I make as much in a two-day commercial shoot as she does in five years, which is ridiculous.

Would the world be a better place if all drugs were legalized tomorrow? Absolutely. But pragmatically speaking, you're not going to go from the criminalization of all drugs to the legalization of drugs overnight.

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