Some people would like the world to go back to the 1950s.

I refuse to be held responsible for bringing back a wave of pasty-faced people into the world.

I think that the online world has actually brought books back. People are reading because they're reading the damn screen. That's more reading than people used to do.

There are two types of people in this world: one who opens a packet of biscuits, has one and puts the rest back in the cupboard, and one who eats the whole packet in one go.

Back when people couldn't read, other people would take newspapers and turn them into theater so that people would know what was going on in the world. That is a powerful thing.

Writing film scripts is the hardest thing in the world. A script has to go to five or six drafts, and you need the feedback of other people and to keep coming back with a fresh eye, honing it down.

I've been to a lot of different cities around the world. People in Philly are a lot different... We're raised a little more street-smart. We're raised a little tougher. We're raised to never back down and to hold our ground.

In the fact that 'Vogue' is someone that can help guide enormous audiences through this fascinating world, I would like to think we are as influential and actually are now reaching so many more people than we ever dreamt of back in the Fifties or the Sixties.

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