Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a ...

Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.

Healthy people live with their world.

We live in a world full of people who are ready to be uplifted.

Our young people live in a world in which there's violence wherever you turn.

We're one people, and we all live in the same house. Not the American house, but the world house.

The system under which we live is owned and operated by people who do not deserve to run the world.

Charming people live up to the very edge of their charm, and behave as outrageously as the world lets them.

More than 820 million people in the world suffer from hunger; and 790 million of them live in the Third World.

I'm not sure that, for a lot of people, the real world is an easy place to live in. And yet we still soldier on.

Because there are a lot of big cities in the world, people who live in cities have become more isolated than ever.

We have people around the world who live in the United States, and these people don't deserve to be called traitors.

We live in a world where people can ridicule you at the push of the button. They can question you at the push of a button.

Some people want to live in a world much prettier than the one I depict. But it exists, and I talk about it because it exists.

I think that someday we will live in a world where transgender people will be viewed as the multidimensional people that we are.

People in the U.K. don't imagine what it is to live in extreme poverty here in Colombia or anywhere in the so-called Third World.

You can't live in your own secluded world. If you're not on the Tube, on the bus doing normal things, how can you relate to people?

We live in a world of easy friendships - people here for you when it's easy, 'so-sorry-but-I-have-an-errand-to-do-now' when it's not.

I think that we live in techno-enthusiastic times. We celebrate our technologies because people are frightened by the world we've made.

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it.

The world I describe is about how people live now. It's not about zany people with unlimited, inexplicable funds in an apartment somewhere.

We started the AIDS virus. We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty.

We live in a world where adolescents and young people, especially from key populations, are still left behind. We cannot fail to address their needs.

It is the daydreaming of some people who live in a make-believe world who think you can make roads, hospitals, and railways without any social impact!

There are two worlds: the world of the tourist and the world of everyone else. Often they're side by side. But the tourist doesn't actually see how people live.

We recognize that the majority of people who are food-insecure or hungry in the world live in rural areas. And most of them are small holder subsistence farmers.

There will always be jealous people and haters: people who assume that if they were in your shoes, they could do what you're doing. That's just the world we live in.

We're kind of in a voyeuristic world. We have TV shows that are all about watching people do weird things in houses. People are obsessed with that. There's live coverage of it.

We deserve to live in a world where there's no impunity, but beyond this question of impunity, there are all these structures that are actually doing a disservice to our people.

We are absolutely going to have to provide fiscal security to people; in other words, we are going to have to show the country and the world that the country can live within its means.

One thing I can't stand is when people - not our team, but other people - don't respond. Everybody can email, everybody can text... using an email auto-response is not the world we live in.

This is the world we live in, isn't it? Tons of spin-offs; people reboot things very quickly. I was amazed how quickly they made a Wolverine movie, then, 'Let's do another origins Wolverine movie.'

I guess what's happened is that I've a little bit let go of the idea that we can reach everybody. Certain people... the informational world they live in, it's so distorted that it's hard to get through.

We live in a globalising world. That means that all of us, consciously or not, depend on each other. Whatever we do or refrain from doing affects the lives of people who live in places we'll never visit.

Dogs are not 'people' of another species. They are another species. To train and care for them properly, to show them how to live in our complex world, requires first and foremost that we understand that.

Facebook is primarily a mechanism for bonding, not bridging. Studies show that in the vast majority of cases, people live in self-made echo chambers on Facebook that reinforce their existing views of the world.

Television, above all, is the place where people can see the world they live in, and if the world they live in is a world without the arts, so much the worse for television, and so much the worse for the viewers.

The world I want to live in is a world where everybody is a bit more uncertain about their arguments and is a bit more open to other people's arguments. I think that we can engage ideas without ad hominem attacks.

I've kept going to therapy to find out why my perspective is so skewered and why I'm filled with rage. It's so I can live in this world alongside these other people who seem to be what is desired and what the world wants.

We live in a world where people think that finding a passion is so rare that if you find one you're the luckiest person on the planet, and the possibility of finding two is just bizarre. It isn't. We have multiple passions.

I just want to tell stories that are meaningful and have inspiration to them; people can watch it and take away something, or maybe they'll just think about themselves differently or think about the world differently. I just want to create characters that live on.

Come on, we would be foolish to say that there's never been African-American leads in some capacity, people of color in some capacity, leading shows or what have you. But it hasn't happened enough and in a manner that is an accurate reflection of the world that we live in.

Film has to be reflecting the world that we live in, and that's all you want to be a part of. Actors inhabit the same planet as everyone else. It's a weird thing that happens when you're an actor because people hold you up because you somehow embody in parts groups of people or people's hopes or something.

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