Coal is my worst nightmare.

Stand-up would be my worst nightmare.

My best vacation is your worst nightmare.

Welcome to the worst nightmare of all, reality!

Worst nightmares can also appear with your eyes open.

My best dreams and worst nightmares have the same people in them.

My worst nightmare is being stuck somewhere with nothing to read.

The worst nightmare would be not to achieve what I know I'm capable of.

People say I'm America's worst nightmare. I say I'm the American dream.

you ever been trapped in a world where you're everyone's worst nightmare?

How dare the embodiment of her worst nightmare come packaged as her hottest fantasy?

Actually, my worst nightmare is losing my best friend, as I imagine most people's are.

My kids are my life and the thought of someone taking them away from me is my worst nightmare.

The worst nightmare in the world is a radical Islamic regime with a weapon of mass destruction.

The worst nightmare for al Qaeda is to come into a community that feels supported and has hope.

There is a shotgun wedding going on and its between Marketing and IT. Finance's worst nightmare

Someone out there was about to find that their worst nightmare was a maddened Librarian. With a badge.

The worst nightmare I ever had about Vietnam was that I had to go back. I woke up in a sweat, in total terror.

I am a huge, huge, huge fan of index funds. They are the investor’s best friend and Wall Street’s worst nightmare.

Call me sick. Call me deranged. I'm gonna be your worst nightmare. I'm gonna be your hero whether you like it or not!

It's an unnerving thought that we may be the living universe's supreme achievement and its worst nightmare simultaneously.

90% of people are in jobs they hate and are bitter about their lives and scratching about for money. That's my worst nightmare.

Donald Trump says he’s President Obama’s worst nightmare. That’s not true. Having to make a decision is Obama’s worst nightmare.

I'm an actor/singer who moves well... sometimes. I'm actually a great mover but not every style fits my body and a dance call back is my worst nightmare.

I think losing a child is unimaginable. It's every person's worst nightmare. It's unimaginably difficult. It shakes your faith in the world. It tests your optimism.

It's one of the worst nightmare situations we could create for a young character, having the people who are supposed to believe in you keep telling you you're nothing.

When you get into politics, you find that all your worst nightmares about it turn out to be true, and the people who are attracted to large concentrations of power are precisely the ones who should be kept as far away from it as possible.

Mark Ruffalo, aka the Incredible Hulk, is the natural gas industry's worst nightmare: a serious, committed activist who is determined to use his star power as a superhero in the hottest movie of the moment to draw attention the environmental and public health risks of fracking.

I’m your worst nightmare come to walk this side of the lines. I’m an elf, Trent something you’re forgotten how to be. You’re scared of black magic. I can see fear shimmering under your aura like sweat. I live and breathe black magic. I’m so tainted with it that I will use it without thought, without guilt and without hesitation.

Snowden has enough [sic] information to cause harm to the U.S. government in a single minute than any other person has ever had. The U.S. government should be on its knees every day begging that nothing happen to Snowden, because if something does happen to him, all the information will be revealed and it could be its worst nightmare.

Desi, Desi, Desi what am I going to do with you? (Kyrian) Don't you dare take that flippant tone with me! (Desiderius) Why ever not? (Kyrian) Because I am not some scared little Daimon to run cringing from you. I am your worst nightmare. (Desiderius) Must you resort to cliches? C'mon, Desidisastrous, couldn't you think of anything more original than that B-movie dialogue staple? (Kyrian)

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