Never wound a snake; kill it.

Our lives are politically wound.

Words are like weapons; they wound sometimes.

It takes a lot to wound a man without illusions.

Better to die ten thousand deaths than wound my honor.

I hated the Yankees and Dodgers and wound up managing both.

I have to admit I can be pretty high strung and tightly wound.

Everything happens for a reason, so you shouldn't get wound up.

I'm not easily wound up, but overly cynical people irritate me.

I don't think I ever sit there and think to kick a wound harder.

Before the tongue can speak, it must have lost the power to wound.

Discrimination must always be drawn out, like venom from the wound.

Terrorism has become a festering wound. It is an enemy of humanity.

I went into rehab to save my marriage, but I wound up saving myself.

A broken bone can heal, but the wound a word opens can fester forever.

But I always wound up being the damn John, when I wanted to be the Paul.

I redo the body of my poem like someone who tries to cure her own wound.

You have to be like a clock spring, wound but not loose at the same time.

So you wound up with Apollo. If he's sometimes hard to swallow. Use this.

You have to give a wound time to heal and think of other people's feelings.

It stinks to play terrible and your team loses. It's like salt on the wound.

There's a lot of room for error with a wound in the rear. It's a wide target.

Our vanity is hardest to wound precisely when our pride has just been wounded.

Only Congress can treat the gaping wound that is our broken immigration system.

We went down for pilot season, I got Full House, and we wound up never leaving.

I wound up sticking with violin because it was the strongest current in my life.

How poor are they that have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees?

No one recovers from the disease of being born, a deadly wound if there ever was one.

I do know that detachment is important. A surgeon can't be weeping into the open wound.

It will take 150 years or seven generations to heal the wound of the residential school.

When I was boxing I made five million and wound up broke, owing the government a million.

The past is an open wound, a life force busily shaping an increasingly bewildering present.

There's another girl who was going to play Hilary Faye and luckily she wound up not doing it.

I thought I was the coolest kid in the world, so I wound up being the coolest kid in the world.

I went out for the football team but, you know, I was too small. That's how I wound up in drama.

In a neighborhood, as in life, a clean bandage is much, much better than a raw or festering wound.

Sparky Lyle threw me a slider, and it wound up in the seats. We won, and it was a memorable moment.

I started my teenage years singing in churches across America, and finally wound up on a big stage.

And I met Paul Simms while I was making 'It's Pat', and he later wound up casting me in 'NewsRadio.'

The booking agent had the audacity to take 10 percent, so we wound up with about $100 a week apiece.

I went to school for creative writing in college, and I wound up about six hours short of my degree.

The mind of man is like a clock that is always running down, and requires to be constantly wound up.

They say that abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say only that an abandoned child never forgets.

And I wound up in New Orleans for all those years and it was a great place, really a catalyst creatively.

The circle of the return to birth can only remain open, but this is a chance, a sign of life, and a wound.

'Ain't Them Bodies Saints' wound up becoming a love story even though it was not initially meant to be one.

I danced growing up. I had two friends of mine that, actually, one of them wound up dancing with Alvin Ailey.

The only reason I wound up in Nashville and went to Belmont University is because that's where I needed to be.

Somehow I wound up with the nickname 'Bitcoin Jesus,' so people expect me to know about everything everywhere.

People now live their lives like an open wound to be famous - they do bad things because they're rewarded for it.

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