My hunger and desperation, being an actor, an out of work actor - my memory of that is as fresh as an open wound.

I always wanted to be an anchorman, but after college I wound up working behind the scenes at CBS News for 10 years.

Indulge not thyself in the passion of anger; it is whetting a sword to wound thine own breast, or murder thy friend.

When Braniff abandoned stripes, they wound up with a flying jelly bean and that's not a good feeling for passengers.

The loss of a friend is like that of a limb; time may heal the anguish of the wound, but the loss cannot be repaired.

I never thought that I would get married, but it wound up happening. That was a really, really happy, exciting moment.

Sometimes I get too wound up in my chemistry, but if you play chamber music, it's impossible to think about chemistry.

I wound up studying art and design, got a job at Lonely Planet Publications as a designer, cartographer and illustrator.

I was a late bloomer. I tried out for the football team, and I got locked off the field. That's how I wound up in drama.

I said, 'I'm a rock star. I can't preach in nobody's church. Are you crazy?' Let alone buy one. Oh, I wound up buying one.

Doing the right thing for someone else was like a tonic for me; it was like some magic ointment that made a wound disappear.

Oh, I was some efficiency expert. On my first day, I couldn't find my own office in Hartford and wound up in the Post Office.

I remember being inspired myself when smaller films, whether it's 'Beasts' or 'Winter's Bone,' wound up in the Oscars lineup.

By faithfulness we are collected and wound up into unity within ourselves, whereas we had been scattered abroad in multiplicity.

I don't have children that I've lost in a bitter custody dispute. But I see an enormous wound in kids due to a lack of their dads.

It's a successful feeling when someone tells you that you were instrumental in helping them heal from a great wound in their life.

I have heard of many tragic cases of walking, talking, normal children who wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.

But I wound like people to think I was an honest judge and a good judge. And I always tried the reach the best result in every case.

On several occasions, I've felt like my career has wound up. I was sad and upset; my roles were snipped, and I wasn't treated fairly.

I had a New Year's kiss once. But it was like, 'Let's start the year off together,' and then we wound up breaking up the night after!

I joined the RCP (Revolutionary Communist Party) in the early '80s. I'd be in it still but it was wound up at the end of the nineties.

Central to living a life that is good is a life that's forgiving. We're creatures of contact, regardless of whether we kiss or we wound.

I have a stab wound on my left hip and one on my thigh and a slash mark across my right calf. I have a bottle stab wound on my left calf.

There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.

How often have I met and disliked writers whose books I love; and conversely, hated the books and then wound up liking the writer? Too often.

When I was 13 years old, that's when my team assigned me - and I wound up living, like, six hundred kilometers from my home to play basketball.

An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.

Evan Bourne is a ship that has sailed but if he wound up back at WWE, I'm imagine I'd run back to that name because of copyright ownership stuff.

O! many a shaft, at random sent, Finds mark the archer little meant! And many a word, at random spoken, May soothe or wound a heart that's broken!

I said, other people can write songs, let's see if I can. So the first 400 or 500 wound up on the floor somewhere. Then I wrote one called Melissa.

A lot of people on holiday get very intolerant of things that go wrong, but getting wound up about the plane being late won't make it come any sooner.

You start projecting hurt and pain onto yourself when you don't find closure. Be honest with the situation and yourself, clean the wound, and move on.

I discovered Orson Welles in college; my freshman English professor screened 'Citizen Kane' for us, and I wound up writing a 20-page term paper on it.

For me, it is just the total experience - from the time I first started as an assistant coach until I wound up at the University of Texas for 20 years.

'Lolita' was a great wound in the side for me. I stuck my neck out maybe further than I should have and castigated the studio for not getting behind it.

I've worked with Lars von Trier on many films, and there's always a female character that's like an open wound - everything just pours out of this person.

The brand new user interfaces that Nintendo invented often faced skeptical views before a hardware launch but wound up becoming de facto industry standards.

It's not surprising to me that in a country born of racial genocide, the issue of race is still an open wound on the American soul. We haven't dealt with it.

When we were filming, I thought that I was Peter Pan, you know? I thought I was the coolest kid in the world, so I wound up being the coolest kid in the world.

In 1966, I bought my parents a carriage clock for their silver wedding anniversary. It was last wound 30 years later, in December 1996, the month my father died.

All through my school life I was appalled by the fact that masters and senior boys were allowed quite literally to wound other boys, and sometimes very severely.

You can't embarrass Joss Whedon, he's got no pride! He fully admits it. 'Oh, it's me. I'm little and goofy.' You can't wound his pride. He's too self-deprecating.

12 years ago all I wanted to do was sing the right songs and get emotionally wound up, but now I realize my job is to make Christ the center of attention each night.

At the end. First start off and do your youth thing In Hollywood and then go to New York later. But it wound up being later, later than I thought it was going to be.

If I hadn't become a golfer, I doubt I'd be wealthy, because I don't have the sort of ego that drives a person all day long. I might have wound up driving a tractor.

A writer's main tool is his memory - his own memory, the collective memory of his people. And the strongest memory is the one that is created by a wound to the heart.

The United States has means to wound Latin American countries deeply, chiefly by altering trade policies to cut imports in ways that would throw thousands out of work.

In the '50s and '60s, a family's first child went into the priesthood, the second went into the military, and the third child was an idiot and wound up in advertising.

In reality, it si more fruitful to wound than to kill. While the dead man lies still, counting only one man less, the wounded man is a progressive drain upon his side.

I wound up adopting two dogs from Sochi. It wasn't really me who brought them home as much as it was one of my best friends, Robin Macdonald, who was out there with me.

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