I'm the main rapper of B2ST, Yang Yoseob!

I think there's a yin and a yang to everything.

I'm fascinated by the yin and yang of everything.

We create ying and yang, yes and no, plus and minus.

We are the yin and the yang of the creative process.

Yin and Yang are one vital force -- the primordial aura.

I am so constantly amazed by people's care and love for Cristina Yang.

Countless words count less than the silent balance between yin and yang

There is no life without death. That is the true meaning of yin and yang

I'm aware of - and embrace - my masculine energy. Sometimes I have too much yang.

I've gone pretty high at times so I think the yin yang of that is going pretty low.

All things carry yin and embrace yang. They reach harmony by blending with the vital breath.

Whenever you're making a dark comedy, you're always looking for the yin and yang in an actor.

I don't know why we work, my husband and I. We just do. We are black and white - yin and yang.

In life, there's a ying and a yang and a balance. And when you don't have balance, you have comedy.

I guess I do carry a bit of male energy. It's like what I always say - two yangs don't make a right.

Einstein's theory of General Relativity has a mathematical structure very similar to Yang-Mills theory.

Given a choice I want to do a yin and yang tattoo on the middle of my chest and right next to my heart.

The fact of the matter is that all true artistes are androgynous by nature, the yin and yang perfectly balanced.

If you take anything I say with any seriousness whatsoever, go study Yang style tai chi. It will make you live longer.

When secular figures are turned into divinities, they way they are in Peian Yang or Stanford University - that I don't like.

When I saw that combination of grace and power, the fast and the soft, the yin and the yang, that's what I'd been looking for.

The world is, was, will always be filled with good and evil, because good and evil is the yin and yang of the human condition.

Animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. An extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced.

But I try to play everything very authentically, even if it is an accented immigrant, Jian Yang, that I play on 'Silicon Valley.'

What we are seeking is the nexus of all possible worlds and states of mind, which is within us. The source of yin and yang is within you.

Apakah penampilanku satu-satunya hal yang membuatku berharga? Jika begitu, jangan tatap aku. Wajahku bisa menyembunyikan hati yang palsu.

Will and I are yin and yang. He's all sky, vast and bright and soaring, and I'm all earth. I'm here to ground him, and he's here to help me fly.

Anything in life has a ying and a yang. It has a good and a bad. And in the case of freedom, well, freedom also gives you the freedom to be stupid.

Katya and I, as a yin and a yang, we pretty much represent the entire, full gambit of talent, you know? Together, there's not really much we can't do.

In Taoist philosophy, 'yin' is the feminine principle, representing the forces of earth, while 'yang' is the masculine principle, representing spirit.

Teach For China recruits top American and Chinese college graduates, like 26-year-old Yang Xiao, to teach in the country's most disadvantaged schools.

I feel like I always had a yin and yang experience with music. I've always been able to rock out, and then I've always had to take piano lessons, too.

You can't do seven successful albums and just hate each other. Our yin and yang, and night and day, is what made us great when we went into the studio.

To confront those fears, in a controlled environment, where there's 300 people around you going through the same thing, it's this weird sort of yin and yang.

There are songs where no matter how much you know you shouldn't - like the Ying Yang Twins' 'Shake' - I'll be in a dress, and I'll krump to it. It's horrible!

I think, with certain characters, you have to listen. Sometimes, listening can be funnier: the thing you don't say is the one-liner. That's the ying to the yang.

Growing up, me and my brother, we were kind of exact opposites. We were completely yin and yang. He was more rough and tumble, and I just wanted to play with my girlfriends.

'Six Feet Under' was about repressing our deepest, most primal impulses, and 'True Blood' is about giving full sway to them all the time. In a way they are like yin and yang.

New York for me is about work. If L.A. were to become a West Coast version of that, I'd shoot myself. The climate, the lifestyle - it really fits as the yin to my New York yang.

There are no greater adversaries than yin and yang, because nothing in Heaven or on Earth escapes them. But it is not yin and yang that do this, it is your heart that makes it so.

I think the combo of spin and yoga is a yin and yang thing. It's very important to have balance. I like to bring energy to yoga, and spinning gets you very connected to your core.

One of the blessings I've had, really, for my entire career, is working with founders of companies, whether it was Bill Ziff at Ziff Davis or with Jerry Yang and David Filo at Yahoo.

I think Too Faced is the yin to my yang. When you look at Kat Von D beauty and Too Faced and put them together, they look like complete opposites, but there are tons of similarities.

The heart of a human being is no different from the soul of heaven and earth. In your practice always keep in your thoughts the interaction of heaven and earth, water and fire, yin and yang.

I work with men a lot, and there's a yin and a yang that goes on when you work one guy and one girl. And there's things that I bring that they don't bring and things they bring and I don't bring.

Mao is a sometime Yin sometime Yang strange man, he has a soft-as-cotton outer layer, but at the same time has sharp needles hiding inside... I do not think he could achieve anything, at the end he will be crushed inside my palm.

The first album I bought, I didn't even buy it. My grandma got Mike Jones and Bow Wow's 'Wanted' a little later. Matter of fact Ying Yang Twins' 'U.S.A. Still United' was the first album, but Mike Jones was the first album I really love.

When you expect something, when you aim at something, right there you dilute your energy; you split your energy, you split your attention and it becomes more than the place of yin and yang. You do not only divide, but you create the problem.

I think the world consists of yin and yang. There should be a balance, and it's important to coexist peacefully, with respect and dignity, and whenever those lines are crossed I think it's important for people to speak up for what they believe in.

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