We are the total of our longings.

Creativity is a yearning for immortality

Yearning wants mostly to perpetuate itself.

We are the yearning creatures of this planet.

Nothing troubles you for which you do not yearn.

Our yearning for truth actually comes from truth.

Obviously, the world is yearning for more diversity.

One does not yearn for that which is easily acquired.

To die of yearning for something you will never experience

There's an, oh such a hungry yearning burning inside of me.

A happy life is one spent in learning, earning, and yearning.

Restriction generates yearning. You want what you cannot have.

I have a yearning someday to do one of these huge juggernauts.

When the yearning for living ends, there can be no more birth.

Inside every man, there's a yearning to express your wild side.

Love is not a desire for beauty; it is a yearning for completion.

prayer is nothing more than thought. It is a yearning of the heart.

Yearning for the seemingly impossible is the path to human progress.

The swallow that hibernates underwater is a creature called yearning.

You have the choice to create the life your heart is yearning to live.

People across the world are yearning to be connected to stories of hope.

There is in my nature, methinks, a singular yearning toward all wildness.

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Rome is the city of echoes, the city of illusions, and the city of yearning.

There are three ingredients in the good life: learning, earning and yearning.

So often, the discarded love of youth is desperately yearned for in maturity.

Do not seek after what you yearn for, seek the source of the yearning itself.

Lessons of Life: When you stop yearning, When you stop aspiring. You stop living.

Most women work not from yearning for fulfilment but yearning to pay the mortgage.

If we are forever yearning for more time, we are forever discounting what is offered.

Repentance and yearning, and yearning and repentance: this is the total harvest of life.

Since I was a child, I was yearning to learn about percussion because that's what I loved.

I wondered if he ever thought of me, and hated the pang I felt when I told myself he didn't.

Here's the thing about earnestness. Our culture discounts it; but people are yearning for it.

Marriage is sought and kept alive by a deep yearning to know another and be known by another.

You should only go into science if you really have a yearning to make scientific discoveries.

I'm not some patriot. I didn't have some yearning to defend my country or anything. I was poor.

What unites us as human beings is an urge for happiness which at heart is a yearning for union.

[Erotica] contains the idea of love, positive choice, and the yearning for a particular person.

The human race has a yearning to explore. That's part of our biological and psychological makeup.

Whenever you do something that is not aligned with the yearning or your soul—you create suffering.

I hope the wonder of what happens to my characters never goes away. That yearning keeps me writing.

I’m scared I’m going to spend the rest of my life in a state of yearning, regardless of where I am.

I longed to read everything I possibly could, and the things I read in turn produced new yearnings.

Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever. The yearning for freedom eventually manifests itself.

[There] is something fundamentally unpatriotic in the yearning to fundamentally transform your country.

At the innermost core of all loneliness is a deep and powerful yearning for union with one's lost self.

We are like lutes once held by God. Being away from his warm body fully explains this constant yearning.

Aberystwyth (n.) A nostalgic yearning which is in itself more pleasant than the thing being yearned for.

Even as a child I had a strong relationship with yearning and desire. And loss. Those things spoke to me.

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