I love to work with young kids.

Really young kids are into guitars.

Young kids do not see tennis as a 'fun' sport.

Most young kids can't figure out how to shoot.

I want young kids to play tennis because of me.

I didn't do the typical things that young kids do.

It's good to see young kids getting into the blues.

I want to show America who I am and inspire young kids.

I've got two young kids. I don't know what the future holds.

The young kids out there doing their thing, I can't knock them.

Learn, learn, learn, and the sky is the limit for the young kids.

Young kids are taking Viagra, ecstasy. They even want instant sex.

I find young kids. I enjoy coaching and enjoy making them better players.

It's really fun to see young kids trying to find excellence in themselves.

I believe that young kids have agency and can make a difference in the world.

Young kids should be doing music that has shock value. They'll grow out of it.

I want to help grow the game in India and encourage young kids to play football.

I've got young kids, so it suits me to do a job which keeps me in town right now.

You can't put a show in a boring format to young kids. They need to relate to it.

I got two young kids, so as much as I train a lot, free time is spent with my kids.

Galley Molina's a great inspiration and role model for a lot of young kids out there.

We are shaping young kids to be leaders in their communities and also to be healthier.

I don't think I can ever write about young kids anymore. I completely shot my wad there.

I have three young kids and a great family. I love hanging out with them more than anything.

I play for those young kids with cancer or anybody who went through a tragedy in their life.

It was so odd to have young kids singing 'Lovin' Feelin' because they knew it from 'Top Gun.'

Why do we have 'Transformers 5 or 6?' Because young kids will go and see it four or five times.

I am a father with young kids, and you want to know the jobs in the future are going to be there.

I wanted to retire at 55. Now at 61 with two young kids, I want to spend a bit of time with them.

I think, for me, I've realized the responsibility of being a role model for young kids everywhere.

Programs that bring the arts to young kids are always the first to be cut. It's mind-boggling to me.

So many young kids are fickle when it comes to music. There comes a time when you're not cool again.

I play to inspire people and give confidence to young kids who might shy away because of their size.

I pick up on styles, way before they get popular, pretty much before young kids do. I see 'em coming.

I'm very protective of all the vulnerable young kids that go on shoots. I can empathize. I've been there.

I have a message for the young kids. Life is about obstacles, endeavors in life are not to be overlooked.

I advise all the young kids to not overwork. You can't be out there blowing hard. You have to pace yourself.

I grew up in a very modest house. We were poor-we lived on the poverty level. We all got jobs as young kids.

I want to keep representing for all Latinos - for men, women, young girls, and young kids that have a dream.

I write books for all age groups - young kids, teenagers and adults - because I get a range of different ideas.

As young kids, we had a lot of tenacity. Life was tough at home, so it was easy to go out in the world and try.

I think 'The Road' is a good example of a book everyone should read, but I wouldn't recommend it to young kids.

We try to stay on the edge of the mainstream and look at what the most aggressive young kids are running toward.

It's not easy to walk out on a marriage and two young kids, and it's the most difficult thing I've ever had to do.

I think the real problem is it's easy to persuade young kids of particular kinds of ideas, because they are flexible.

The art schools... you get young kids doing the most vile and meaningless crap. I think they believe every bit of it.

A lot of young kids like myself use Instagram because it has swag - it's more personal, and your friends generate it.

I just want to show other young kids growing up that it is not about just staying in England, getting loans. Explore.

Tokyo is unbelievable. They have loads for kids, and the range of activities they can propose for young kids is incredible.

I listen to Jay-Z, Nelly, Nas, Ludacris and all the young kids out there. I listen to them, and I have mad respect for them.

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