Employees, especially young people, want more than a paycheck.

When I was young, I loved movies so much I wanted to make one.

Young men have a passion for regarding their elders as senile.

Don't stop setting your sights high because of some young guy.

I can't remember what Michael Praed looks like. I'm too young!

Nobody wants to get old, but nobody wants to die young either.

Age is just a number for me! A person is as young as he feels.

Obviously I am not the young man who came to Hollywood in 1946

I came into the world very young, in an age that was very old.

Young people are craving something real, craving authenticity.

The only thing that keeps me alive is the hope of dying young.

This is a terrible time to be young, I think. It's really hard.

When God said 'Let there be light', Mae Young threw the switch.

When you're young and beautiful, you're paranoid and miserable.

I'm old enough to know better, but I'm still too young to care.

The young are so old, they are born with their fingers crossed.

Wyatt [ Walker] doesn't say that as much as Whitney Young does.

You young things are too easily persuaded by the touch of lips.

You spend a much larger part of your life being old, not young.

I do believe a young lady can't be too careful who she marries.

Advice is not a gift, but a debt that the old owe to the young.

A young lady ought to be two things: tasteful and breathtaking.

You've got to understand life, understand it when you're young.

Now to me, Edith looks like something that would eat her young.

You can be young without money but you can't be old without it.

Young Jimmy Dean fell off the world as suddenly as he had come.

Blessed are the young for they shall inherit the national debt.

Pravin Tambe is bigger inspiration than me for young cricketers

I believe if I refuse to grow old, I can stay young 'til I die.

When you're young as a comic, you don't have a lot of leverage.

I'm not the strapping young Muslim socialist that I used to be.

I was wanting to be a kid at 18 instead of being a young woman.

Young people do not watch television; they are on the Internet.

I always felt too young and selfish to have children of my own.

I've got no respect for any young man who won't join the colors.

She's too young. Too innocent. Too human. For what I'm becoming.

Most of you are so young you dont know who I am, and thats good.

You're never too old to be young, and never too young to be old.

My mom was a model. She had me at 20, so she was a young mother.

I worked with young directors all my life, only young directors.

It is bad enough to see young fools, but worse to see old fools.

I think of myself as a young prince from a long line of royalty.

Young girls are sad. They like to be; it makes them feel strong.

Fear is something I instill in other people, mostly young girls.

I've forbidden my daughter to have grandchildren, I'm too young.

I don't really have anything against Will Young or Gareth Gates.

I've been a book collector since I was young, since I was a kid.

No, there's nothing half so sweet in life as love's young dream.

Oh, I wish I was young again when everything seemed so wonderful!

Young is the one that plunges in the future and never looks back.

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