Joy makes the longest journey too short.

Be slow to correct and quick to commend.

Kindness makes for much better teamwork.

When the legs go, the heart soon follows

Bad times can make you bitter or better.

I like to give opinions, not suggestions

Earn the right to be proud and confident.

When I am through learning, I am through.

You haven't taught until they've learned.

Today is the only day. Yesterday is gone.

Be at your best when your best is needed.

There is nothing stronger than gentleness.

Never confuse activity with accomplishment.

Respect a man, and he will do all the more.

The team with the most talent usually wins.

Never let your emotions overrule your head.

Love is the most powerful four letter word.

You have not taught until they have learned.

Consideration for others brings many things.

Discipline yourself so others won't have to.

You will never outperform your inner circle.

If we fail to adapt, we fail to move forward.

It isn't about what you do, but how you do it

Forget favors given; remember those received.

Discipline yourself, and others won't need to.

Discipline yourself - so others don't have to.

If you lose self-control everything will fall.

Whatever you're doing, you must have patience.

When you are through learning you are through.

You better play together as a team or you sit.

Do passing drills that come from your offense.

Mistakes come from doing, but so does success.

You can always do more than you think you can.

Be true to yourself. Be true to those you lead.

Be more interested in character than reputation

Never allow anyone else to define your success.

Don't permit fear of failure to prevent effort.

We will begin by learning how to tie our shoes.

Make your "yes" mean yes, and your "no" mean no.

Winning takes talent; to repeat takes character.

It's not how big you are, it's how big you play.

Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character.

You've never heard of them- and you never will .

Never be disagreeable just because you disagree.

I was built up from my dad more than anyone else.

When opportunity comes it is too late to prepare.

The team is the star, never an individual player.

There is no pillow as soft as a clear conscience.

It's not what you teach, it's what you emphasize.

Dictators lead through fear; good coaches do not.

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