Things repeat themselves.

I don't want to repeat myself.

I don't like to repeat myself.

I train, eat, sleep, and repeat.

Never argue; repeat your assertion.

I don't want to repeat my mistakes.

When you win, you want to repeat it.

I buy clothes that have repeat value.

Reading should be a repeat performance.

There is no reason to repeat bad history.

I don't like to repeat myself as an actor.

You can't repeat the success of any movie.

Nature's far too subtle to repeat herself.

I don't want to repeat myself as a director.

It's always nice to work with repeat actors.

I watched a lot of 'Wayne's World' on repeat.

I do not want to repeat myself with my roles.

Repeat after me. 'Robocall' is not a bad word.

The wise make proverbs, and fools repeat them.

I feel like I'm wasting time if I repeat myself.

It gets monotonous for an actor to repeat roles.

We are ever evolving and never repeat ourselves.

Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character.

I've loved my 20s, but I would never repeat them.

I feel like I'm always fighting not to repeat myself.

History repeats itself. Historians repeat each other.

Cause I won't repeat myself, the way I dress and look.

They say history doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes.

I'll listen to 3 artists on repeat for more than a month.

I don't like to get bored and don't like to repeat myself.

Repeating, trying to repeat success - it never gets easier.

The scandal's so unbelievable that I cannot repeat it here.

Specialists are people who always repeat the same mistakes.

When it comes to the '90s, there's nothing I want to repeat.

Repeat anything often enough and it will start to become you.

The worst thing you can do as an artist is to repeat yourself.

Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Without knowing your own history, you are doomed to repeat it.

You can't undo the past... but you can certainly not repeat it.

If you don't say anything, you won't be called on to repeat it.

I can only repeat, I would never compare myself to Gerd Muller.

As an actor, you get hired to repeat yourself. It wears you out.

Repeat after me: 'There is a very limited amount of easy money.'

Even if we remember the past, odds are good we'll still repeat it.

I make sure I don't repeat my genre, don't repeat a role for sure.

You can never repeat certain things. It's only once in a lifetime.

It is the soothing thing about history that it does repeat itself.

I do not like to repeat successes, I like to go on to other things.

The well-satisfied customer will bring the repeat sale that counts.

The want to return to the fold doesn't mean you can repeat history.

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