You have to be true to yourself.

Be true to yourself. Never compromise.

Be true to yourself and you will never fail.

Be true to yourself. Be true to those you lead.

Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself.

Have the guts to be true to yourself. Nothing more.

It's important to be true to yourself and your vision.

Respect you love one enough to know thay can handle your truth

Be true to yourself. Establish your own style and stick to it.

Ytalding is not always pretty or easy. And it doesn`t came quick

Life is all about being true to yourself and what you believe in

Courage is being true to yourself, true to a sense of integrity.

If you are busy pleasing everyone, you are not being true to yourself

Be true to yourself- and keep things simple. People complicate things

One way to avoid what has already been done is to be true to yourself.

Just be true to yourself and don't do anything that doesn't feel right.

Create, and be true to yourself, and depend only on your own good taste.

As long as you are being true to yourself, you will always find happiness.

Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others.

Be true to yourself and you cannot be a traitor to any good cause on earth.

If you're conscientiously seeking approval, you're not being true to yourself.

And it only matters how true you are. Be true to yourself and follow your heart.

You`re making it about them. This has got about you, because you don`t have peace

When it comes down to it you have to be true to yourself and the rest falls into place.

Being yourself is one of the greatest things you can possibly do. Being true to yourself.

The hardest thing to do is to be true to yourself, especially when everybody is watching.

Be true to yourself. Don't take no for an answer. And start your Transcendental Meditation.

Being true to yourself really means being true to all the complexities of the human spirit.

Be true to yourself, and, um, don't worry about some large companies' quarterly profit index.

Be true to yourself and go with your instincts - don't be somebody you're not just to fit in.

When anyone makes comments that are offensive to you, would you be willing to do the teaching?

Be true to yourself. If you follow that principle, a lot of decisions are actually pretty easy.

The person you admire was true to himself. You can only truly honour him by being true to yourself.

Be true to love where ever you find it, and be true to yourself and everything that you really are.

The only thing you can do through all the scrutiny and just in life in general is be true to yourself.

It's better to live one day on this planet being true to yourself than an entire lifetime which is a lie

Follow your heart and be true to yourself. Never live the life of another. You have to create your own road.

Be brave and clear. Follow your heart and don't be overly influenced by outside factors. Be true to yourself.

Figuring out who you are and being true to yourself is not just important, but it is critical to being authentic.

Be true to yourself, and stick with who you are through thick and thin without letting anyone dilute your essence.

Anger simply means that your personal power - your personal space, your personal sense of being - has been violated

You can spend your life trying to be popular, and that's a tricky business. You can just try to be true to yourself.

Just in general, no matter what you're doing, be true to yourself. Never let anyone else dictate how you live your life.

There are a lot of things in this world that are more important than being popular. Being true to yourself is one of them.

To me, being a woman in 2016 means having a voice, being unique, being true to yourself, and finding a way to be of service.

If you want to be at peace, you have to be clear about your intetion and - moment by moment - in alignment with your intention

Loving truth and living honestly is my attitude to life. Be true to yourself and be true to others, thus you can be the judge of your behavior.

A film should be somewhat personal. I think that whatever you create you have to be true to yourself and create something that feels right to you.

Music is made by individuals. Some artists will be very politically overt in their songs, some will be more subtle. You have to be true to yourself, true to your nature.

What kind of guilt comes from being true to yourself but not to others?. As we have seen, being true to yourself may at times intrinsically and necessarily be in conflict with being true to others.

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