I am confident that nobody... will accuse me of selfishness if I ask ...

I am confident that nobody... will accuse me of selfishness if I ask to spend time, while I am still in good health, with my family, my friends and also with myself.

Sexy is confident.

I'm very confident.

I'm pretty confident.

I'm anything but confident.

I am confident in who I am.

I'm a very confident person.

I'm very confident in myself.

I'm confident with my ability.

I'm really not that confident!

I was a very confident little kid.

I'm very confident in my abilities.

I'm confident and really optimistic.

The truth is, I'm not body confident.

Earn the right to be proud and confident.

Being a call girl made me more confident.

I'm actually more confident when I'm tan.

I don't want to be so confident in myself.

I feel pretty confident in my own ability.

Theatre is where I am confident and happy.

I am not the world's most confident person.

Not everybody's confident their whole life.

Whenever I'm on the pitch, I feel confident.

I think it's OK to be confident in yourself.

I'm confident I can take the gold in Beijing.

I've always felt very confident in my ability.

I feel more confident if my makeup looks good.

We need to be confident. We need not to blink.

I am very confident that the Spirit is with us.

Fascinatingly confident, rude people are great.

I've always been fairly confident in my acting.

I'm confident in Rhea, but not in Demi Bennett.

Basically, I'm more confident in my whole game.

I'm comfortable and confident about the future.

I was never the most confident man in the world.

The more matches I play, the more confident I get.

I was always - maybe stupidly so - very confident.

I'm very confident in how I project my personality.

Only the prepared speaker deserves to be confident.

I design to make women feel confident and beautiful.

We remain very confident in the safety of U.S. beef.

I know, when I am fit and pain-free, I am confident.

If you're not a confident person, pretend to be one.

I felt confident at 24, but I am a better driver now.

I'm confident as hell when I step in front of the mic.

I feel confident. I feel empowered. I feel in control.

As a performer, I'm very, very confident in what I do.

I can be confident with bare skin and with a full face.

There is nothing more beautiful than a confident woman.

I'm not insecure, but I'm not like, 'Hi, I'm confident.'

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