Every restriction of trade creates vested interests that are from then on opposed to its removal.

Almost all the fathers of socialism were members of the upper middle class or of the professions.

No architect is held responsible for the behavior of those who inhabit the structure he designed.

The market system is the basis of our civilization. Its only alternative is the Führer principle.

The masses, in their capacity as consumers, ultimately determine everybody's revenues and wealth.

If the government objects to monopoly prices for new inventions, it should stop granting patents.

We must fight all that we dislike in public life. We must substitute better ideas for wrong ideas.

There is no kind of freedom and liberty other than the kind which the market economy brings about.

Lenin's ideal was to build a nation's production effort according to the model of the post office.

The better an entrepreneur succeeds, the more is he vilified and themore is he soaked by taxation.

There can be no freedom in art and literature where the government determines who shall create them.

Only the naive inflationist's could believe that government could enrich mankind through fiat money.

The only means to well-being is to increase the quantity of products. This is what business aims at.

The most serious dangers for American freedom and the American way of life do not come from without.

The sharper the competition, the better it serves its social function to improve economic production.

The Welfare State is merely a method for transforming the market economy step by step into socialism.

The first socialists were the intellectuals; they, and not the masses, are the backbone of Socialism.

In many fields of the administration of interventionist measures, favoritism simply cannot be avoided.

The state can be and has often been in the course of history the main source of mischief and disaster.

It is the rule of law alone which hinders the rulers from turning themselves into the worst gangsters.

Is still fulfilling its social function in supplying the consumers with more, better and cheaper goods.

What those people who ask for equality have in mind is always an increase in their own power to consume.

What makes small business develop into big business is not spending, but saving and capital accumulation.

Many who are self-taught far excel the doctors, masters, and bachelors of the most renowned universities.

Economics is not about things and tangible material objects; it is about men, their meanings and actions.

The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest.

A wealthy man can preserve his wealth only by continuing to serve the consumers in the most efficient way.

The essential feature of government is the enforcement of its decrees by beating, killing, and imprisoning.

The living is not perfect because it is liable to change; the dead is not perfect because it does not live.

History can tell us what happened in the past. But it cannot assert that it must happen again in the future.

German Marxian's coined the dictum: If socialism is against human nature, then human nature must be changed.

Production is not something physical, material, and external; it is a spiritual and intellectual phenomenon.

What mankind needs today is liberation from the rule of nonsensical slogans and a return to sound reasoning.

The causes of all panics, crashes and depressions can be summed up in only four words: the misuse of credit.

The policies advocated by the welfare school remove the incentive to saving on the part of private citizens.

Anarchism misunderstands the real nature of man. It would be practicable only in a world of angels and saints

The wealth of the well-to-do of an industrial society is both the cause and effect of the masses' well-being.

Nothing, however, is as ill founded as the assertion of the alleged equality of all members of the human race.

What governments call international monetary cooperation is concerted action for the sake of credit expansion.

If history could teach us anything, it would be that private property is inextricably linked with civilization.

All attempts to coerce the living will of human beings into the service of something they do not want must fail

The avowed aim of all utopian movements is to put an end to history and to establish a final and permanent calm.

Some experts have declared that it is necessary to tax the people until it hurts. I disagree with these sadists.

Each epoch has found in the Gospels what it sought to find there, and has overlooked what it wished to overlook.

This, then, is freedom in the external life of man-that he is independent of the arbitrary power of his fellows.

Capitalism gave the world what it needed, a higher standard of living for a steadily increasing number of people.

In all countries with a settled bureaucracy people used to say: The cabinets come and go, but the bureaus remain.

Where there is no market economy, the best intentioned provisions of constitutions and laws remain a dead letter.

Those who are asking for more government interference are asking ultimately for more compulsion and less freedom.

The development of capitalism consists in everyone having the right to serve the consumer better or more cheaply.

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