I'm not a gangster, bro.

Some call me a gangster of love

What do you mean "gangsters"? It's business.

The classy gangster is a Hollywood invention.

I know nothing of what it is to be a gangster.

Every human being has a bit of gangster in him.

'The Godfather' changed the way gangsters acted.

Gangster is the truest friend I can ever ask for.

I'm a gangster, and gangsters don't ask questions.

I'm not a gangster, I don't have no desire to be hard.

Americans accept that gangsters are running the government.

Some of your worst gangsters are guys who were very low-key.

I've only played gangsters and cops, and I always have to be serious.

I play a lot of hard men and gangsters, and I’m not like that at all.

I play a lot of hard men and gangsters, and I'm not like that at all.

I've done, like, 45 movies, played 40 gangsters and five crooked cops.

How many gangsters you know, from Al Capone up to John Gotti, been gay?

Any distraction tends to get in the way of being an effective gangster.

It ought to have gangsters, and aeroplanes and a lot of automatic pistols.

The FBI was formed because the gangsters were better armed, better financed.

An archetypal gangster is always at a remove. We can't get into his mindset.

Dance bars are seen as the place where gangsters go to relax and spend money.

To me, being a gangster was better than being President of the United States.

How can I be a gangster, if I worked for the KGB? It is absolutely ridiculous.

I knew so many gangsters, and I call on that experience with them for characters.

Playing the game, and unfortunately, playing the gangster game is very profitable.

I decided that if the police couldn't catch the gangsters, I'd create a fellow who could.

I don't think there's much a person could say about me. My gangster's never been on trial.

The great nations have always acted like gangsters, and the small nations like prostitutes.

I think we have always had a fascination for gangs and gangsters, and I think we always will.

Our country has been overtaken by murderous thugs... gangsters who lust after fortunes and power.

My mum was a bookies' runner at nine years old and my dad's uncles were Peaky Blinders and gangsters.

There are many people who think I'm actually a gangster or a mafioso, largely because of 'Goodfella'.

I have consciously not taken the role of a gangster, which has been offered to me far too many times.

It is the rule of law alone which hinders the rulers from turning themselves into the worst gangsters.

Basically, as everybody that has had a taste of the record business knows, they are gangsters and crooks.

Since the gangsters are glamorized, by extension the women they sleep with are also necessarily glamorous.

Before we made films about gangsters, everything was about the royal families. They contain so much drama.

If being a gangster were a prerequisite to being a musician, there'd be a lot less cello music, for example.

No gangster is ever happy when he's at peace. The main reason he's in the business is to eliminate his enemies.

I've been an actor for 20 years, and I think the first 14 years, it was all struggling. At first, it was all gangsters.

Usually when you hear about rappers in Asia, they always try to be like gangsters and stuff like that and I don't get it.

When I was growing up, kids used to talk about snitching... It never extended as a cultural norm outside of the gangsters.

Gangsters lived in the neighborhood. They weren't apart from it. Their relationships with people were both benevolent and scary.

I reread Mesrine's book every year because the way the story is told is fascinating. Today, we don't have gangsters like Mesrine - he had humor.

Westerns was why I got into the business. I grew up on a small farm in California and all I ever wanted to do was to play gangsters and cowboys in movies.

It was funny on '24' because I'm a Scots-Canadian, and I was working with the great Scottish actor Tony Curran, and we were both playing Russian gangsters.

People generally thought that sharks are dumb eating machines. After some study, I began to realize that these 'gangsters' of the deep had gotten a bad rap.

Mulberry Street was the beating heart of the Italian-American experience, but you don't find those gangsters now. I live with a bunch of yuppies and models.

The old G's, or the gangsters, turned me away from the street because they knew my dad, and they had a lot of respect for my dad, but because I was an athlete.

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