The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.

His heart danced upon her movement like a cork upon a tide.

His heart danced upon her movement like a cork upon a tide.

Dance ... is life, or becomes it, in a way that other arts cannot ...

Dance ... is life, or becomes it, in a way that other arts cannot attain. It is not in stone, or words or tones, but in our muscles. It is a formulation of their movements.

Movement eases turmoil.

Movement isn't progress.

Movement is tranquility.

Movement overcomes cold.

All movements go too far.

Not all speed is movement.

I am a movement chauvinist.

Cinema is movement, after all.

Movement for me is meditation.

Evil is movement towards void.

Seeing is in itself a movement.

I love movement. I love moshing.

Movement is the essence of life.

The world is always in movement.

Respect movements, flee schools.

The hippy movement was a failure.

Never mistake movement for action

Sonnet is about movement in a form.

A movement has to move. Constantly.

Movements are as eloquent as words.

I really liked the Seattle movement.

Action is movement with intelligence

I know every movement of my kitchen.

Utopian movements produce dystopias.

Fascism is very much a mob movement.

Returning is the movement of the Way.

The labor movement must be destroyed.

A body in movement is its philosophy.

Accept The Movement, Everything Is Ok.

Don't mistake movement for achievement.

The movement must go beyond its leaders

God means movement, and not explanation.

Nothing is more revealing than movement.

I was involved in the anti-war movement.

I'm very close to the pro-life movement.

Im a child of the Civil Rights Movement.

Dance is movement, and movement is life.

Life is a movement outward, an unfolding.

Thinking is movement confined to the brain

Movement will fail sooner than usefulness.

The next movement is still in the factory.

Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.

Yup, the whole birther movement was racist.

Dressmaking is the architecture of movement

Focus on stillness, rather than on movement

All creative activity begins with movement.

The lunatic fringe in all reform movements.

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