Love is the most difficult and dangerous form of courage. Courage is ...

Love is the most difficult and dangerous form of courage. Courage is the most desperate, admirable and noble kind of love.

I'm kind of fat.

I'm kind of lazy.

I'm kind of stupid.

Remain calm, be kind.

Be kind to the living.

That's kind of creepy.

I'm kind of a grinder.

I'm kind of a recluse.

Be kind to each other.

L.A. kind of scares me.

I'm kind of a homebody.

Life is a kind of chess.

Acting kind of chose me.

The '70s kind of sucked.

I'm kind of an idea guy.

I'm kind of a night owl.

I am fat, lazy and kind.

I race kind of sparingly.

Art is a kind of illness.

Envy is a kind of praise.

I'm not the betting kind.

Acting is kind of brutal.

I love any kind of candy.

I love all kinds of music.

I'm kind of a scaredy cat.

Money is a kind of poetry.

Pride - Lord of human kind

I'm a kind of private guy.

Be kind. Be kind. Be kind.

Habit has a kind of poetry.

Be bold. Be kind. Be brave.

Kind pity chokes my spleen.

Is she kind as she is fair?

Ignorance is kind of bliss.

Read everything and be kind.

Family. A snug kind of word.

It's kind of fun to be sexy.

I'm a private kind of person.

Dullness is a kind of luxury.

The Devil is kind to his own.

I'm a plain soap kind of guy.

Music is a safe kind of high.

I pride myself on being kind.

I'm a 'no frills' kind of guy.

Confession is a kind of pride.

Everyone responds to kindness.

Be positive. Be true. Be kind.

Be your own kind of beautiful.

Life is life, and kind is kind

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