How sweet is life, can we but choose with whom to live it: to live for oneself is no life.

The spoken word is man's physician in grief. For this alone has soothing charms for the soul.

All men have one refuge, a good friend, with whom you can weep and know that he does not smile.

He who labors diligently need never despair for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.

Being mortal, never pray for an untroubled life. Rather, ask the God to give you an enduring heart.

He who labors diligently need never despair; for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.

It is as easy to draw back a stone thrown with force from the hand, as to recall a word once spoken.

Rest assured, for every piece of business the most businesslike thing is to choose the right moment.

'Know thyself' is a good saying, but not in all situations. In many it is better to say 'know others.'

Do not fight against Providence; nor bring more heavy weather to the storm. Face what is already there.

Intelligence, if it is clever in the direction of the better, is responsible for the greatest benefits of all.

'Tis always best to tell the truth. At every crisis, I recommend this as a chief contribution to security in life.

Fortune is no real thing. But men who cannot bear what comes to them In Nature's way, give their own characters The name of Fortune.

If you want to live your whole life free from pain you must become either a god or else a corpse. Consider other men's troubles and that will comfort you.

When at a loss about something, go and take counsel by yourself. For in the midst of shouting, the advantageous course is not to be seen, but as one reasons with oneself, it shines out clear.

Everything is destroyed by its own particular vice: the destructive power resides within. Rust destroys iron, moths destroy clothes, the worm eats away the wood; but greatest of all evils is envy, impious habitant of corrupt souls, which ever was, is, and shall be a consuming disease.

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