Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by ...

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking.

I loved 'Iron Man.'

My wife has a whim of iron.

Iron hand in a velvet glove.

Iron hand in a velvet glove.

Now comes the reign of iron.

My love is like a tire iron.

When the iron is hot, strike.

My handicap? Woods and irons.

Soft pity enters an iron gate.

Ice and iron cannot be welded.

I have kind of an iron stomach.

Now you wear your skin like iron

Let tyrants shake their iron rod.

Strike the iron whilst it is hot.

The second mouse gets the cheese!

Make the iron hot by striking it.

Iron Man is my favorite superhero.

Time can make soft that iron wood.

The Iron Dome is great for the U.S.

I'm not perfect. I am not Iron Man.

What Britain needs is an iron lady.

Kindness is stronger than iron bars.

If gold rusts, what then can iron do?

Put your iron hand in a velvet glove.

I'm gonna be Iron, like a Lion in Zion

You gotta strike while the iron's hot.

God is an iron... and that's a hot one.

I've got a nine iron that says otherwise.

I'm a real pussy cat - with an iron tail.

Iron sharpens iron; scholar, the scholar.

An iron curtain has descended over Europe.

Chains of iron or of silk-both are chains.

I'm really a pussycat - with an iron tail.

As rust corrupts iron, so envy corrupts man.

Gold and iron are good To buy iron and gold.

When I was a teenager, I was in an iron-lung.

I was a fighting machine with a will of iron.

If you want something done, ask a busy person.

Idleness is to the human mind like rust to iron

It hard to be real heel, like Iron Sheik-class.

Idleness is to the human mind like rust to iron.

Iron is the final peal of a star’s natural life.

We have to build an iron wall to protect Israel.

For winning Swaraj one requires iron discipline.

Debbie Reynolds is as wistful as an iron foundry.

I don't iron anything. Never have and never will.

A big iron needle stitching the country together.

His golf bag does not contain a full set of irons.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another

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