Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the ...

Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values.

Consciousness is a disease.

We bless and curse ourselves.

Writing forces consciousness.

Consciousness creates reality.

You can trust the unconscious.

What you seek, you already are.

Simple design, intense content.

Art is a form of consciousness.

Life is a state of consciousness.

Consciousness does affect matter.

Heart is consciousness, I is Baba.

Nature loves simplicity and unity.

Crystals amplify the consciousness.

The goal is to know how not-to-know.

Art is the consciousness of currency.

Test everything, including assumptions

Consciousness is Gods' gift to mankind.

Fears and lies intensify consciousness.

The unconscious creates, the ego edits.

Self-consciousness kills communication.

Consciousness is the glory of creation.

In my mind, creativity is consciousness.

There is still consciousness in hip hop.

The unconscious is our best collaborator.

One should always be a little improbable.

The job of art is to chase ugliness away.

Individual consciousness is just sickness.

Consciousness of our powers augments them.

Water is the symbol of pure consciousness.

The Universe is a mirror of consciousness.

Analysis does not transform consciousness.

Conflict is the beginning of consciousness.

I have a picture of an ideal consciousness.

Conflict is the beginning of consciousness.

Consciousness of our strength increases it.

Consciousness is a sea ringed with visions.

My body is a projection of my consciousness.

The more I learn, the less I realize I know.

When matter stops, self-consciousness stops.

On with the dance, let the joy be unconfined.

Consciousness is our only reprieve from Time.

The spiritual consciousness is never deceived

Pain narrows consciousness; pleasure blurs it.

The consciousness of life is higher than life.

Reality is where your consciousness is located

Consciousness allows you the capacity to plan.

Consciousness is the feel of accessing memory.

Self-consciousness is really a form of egotism.

I analyze religious knowledge and consciousness.

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