Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle ...

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.

I'm a peaceful dude.

I feel very peaceful.

Power to the peaceful!

Power to the peaceful.

My heart is so peaceful.

Talk peaceful to be peaceful.

Islam is a peaceful religion.

Being peaceful is being angel!

Revolutions are never peaceful.

A peaceful mind generates power.

My hours are peaceful centuries.

Peace is our gift to each other.

Marriage is not always peaceful.

Death is Peaceful, Life is Harder

Deep experience is never peaceful.

I do not have a very peaceful life.

I'm really a peaceful sort of coward.

I am genuinely a peaceful person now.

Nurture the spontaneous peaceful life.

The biggest weapon is to stay peaceful

Im a peaceful man with bad intentions.

Peace is rarely denied to the peaceful.

God is nearer to us than our own spirit

I'm pretty peaceful and calm and sweet.

There is no freedom in peaceful slavery.

A peaceful soul haunts the warring mind.

Ideals are peaceful. History is violent.

I was involved in some peaceful protests.

All God wants of man is a peaceful heart.

...So let us welcome peaceful evening in.

I want Thailand to be a peaceful country.

Look within!... The secret is inside you.

Working with the earth is peaceful for me.

Everyone has the right to a peaceful life.

What I want is peaceful industrialisation.

You know, the country is basically peaceful.

Art never seems to make me peaceful or pure.

All my work is much more peaceful than I am.

Angry people cannot create a peaceful planet

it is a peaceful thing to be one succeeding.

Prayer for me is an updward leap of the heart

Women are not inherently passive or peaceful.

how peaceful a bedroom is without a man in it.

I suppose what I believe in is peaceful anarchy.

Vida's definitely a beautiful and peaceful girl.

Everything is in place to have a peaceful Games.

Civilization is a work of peaceful co-operation.

I have two children, and I'm very, very peaceful.

A peaceful man does more good than a learned one.

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