I want to be brave, and selfless, and smart, and kind, and honest.

I wish we were alone,” he says. “I almost always wish that,” I say.

Trust me when I tell you, Eaton boy, that resisting is worth doing.

Looking away is submissive. Looking [..] in the eye is a challenge.

You know I'm getting a little tired of waiting for you to catch on.

Grabbing hold of facts in the midst of shock is very Erudite of him.

Part of me wonders if this is a suicide mission disguised as a game.

If I don't survive," I say, "tell Tobias I didn't want to leave him.

I ignore my fear. When I make decisions, I pretend it doesn't exist.

Why do you say vague things if you don't want to be asked about them?

There is a reason you don’t know all the things I know. -Marcus Eaton

Nature is neutral. Nature doesn't care how much money a person makes.

I love 'Harry Potter.' I'm a huge nerd - I would dress up if I could.

I love you." He frowns. "Say it again." "Tobias," I say. "I love you.

Nothing else is all right.” His whisper tickles my cheek. “But we are.

Why do people want to pretend that death is sleep? It isn't. It isn't.

Ser sincero en todo momento debe requerir valor. Yo no sabría hacerlo.

My dear girl. I am his family. I am permanent. You are only temporary.

If you see someone in trouble, you should help them. Experiment or not.

She must love me, to worry about me. She must still be capable of love.

But now, I am also learning this: we can be mended. We mend each other.

I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different.

I’m not anyone,” he says. “I’m nobody. That’s what being factionless is.

A chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy.

Our ability to know about ourselves and the world is what makes us human

It's not cruelty, maybe, but a desire to understand that motivates them.

You don’t always have to smack people in the face with how strong you are

So you're her brother? Says Linn. I guess we know who got the good genes.

Fighting for survival in a shattered world... the truth is her only hope.

What's your name? Um... Think about it. You don't get to pick again. Tris.

Because life is not fair, Albert. And the world is conspiring against you.

Maybe I was afraid to trust him with something so personal as my devotion.

Sometimes I forget that I can hurt you. That you are capable of being hurt

Chaos and destruction do tend to take away a person's dating possibilities.

I never thought I would need bravery in the small moments of my life. I do.

Don’t worry about me handling the pain," I say. "I’ve had a lot of practice.

Well, I already know what happened to my face", I say. "I was there. Sort of

I am proud. It will get me into trouble someday, but today it makes me brave

People, even genetically damaged people, make choices. That’s what matters.’

I don't believe it is more important to move forward than to know the truth.

It isn’t right to wish pain on other people just because they hurt me first.

I'm going to stop a revolution,'' I say. I turn right, and Peter follows me.

It's strange how time can make a place shrink, make its strangeness ordinary.

I think you're still the only person sharp enough to sharpen someone like me.

What's worse: to be idle while someone dies, or to be exiled and empty-handed?

I've done without doing things, like sleeping and eating, but I need to write.

You look older.” “Yes, well. The passage of time tends to do that to a person.

You know, there's a word for big, strong men who attack women, and it's coward.

I reach out and take his hand. His fingers slide between mine. I can't breathe.

My name will be Edith Proir," she says. "And there is much I am happy to forget.

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