Genes are not destiny!

Nutrition trumps genes.

I didn't get the charm gene.

Genes are natural resources.

Gene Roddenberry was a genius.

The gene as the basis of life.

Those Genes Could Have Been Mine

Technology is the gene uncorked.

Genes themselves are made of bits.

Human beings are just gene machines.

I think tennis was just in my genes.

Hurry up Gene, I got a date tonight.

I guess I'm just lucky with my genes.

I'm lucky. I've got pretty good genes.

I take the sporting genes from my dad.

Gene police! You! Out of the pool, now!

I wasn't blessed with those tall genes.

Character, I am sure, lies in the genes.

It's in our genes, we were built to wander.

I am blessed with good genes and I eat right.

Thanks to my Bengali genes I look very young.

I give credit for my fitness to my good genes.

I have skinny genes. My mother weighs 90 pounds.

Perhaps I'm missing the gene for making enemies.

I have good genes, and I also do lots of exercises.

I think I was dealt a good hand. I have happy genes.

Skinny jeans were only good if you had skinny genes.

I was blessed with good looks and I have good genes.

The environment can actually affect gene expression.

I am the master of my genes, not the victim of them.

Talent is an accident of genes - and a responsibility.

There are many ways in which genes influence the brain.

Music is in my genes. My entire family is into singing.

The body is merely an evolutionary vehicle for the gene

...cells are not controlled by genes and neither are we.

I should thank my parents for my beauty. It's in my genes.

I'm really, really lucky. I was given my dad's good genes.

I'm lucky to have good genes, and life's all about balance.

We are all predisposed to disease if we mismanage our genes.

My genes are such that I've always been relatively in shape.

I have great genes. Thank you to my mom and dad for that one.

I believe that the Belgians do possess some surrealistic gene.

Genes can't possibly explain all of what makes us what we are.

Please don't wear skinny jeans if you don't have skinny genes.

Even by the time I was four or five, I had Gene Autry records.

I've inherited the bad poetry genes, but not the inventor genes.

Let's just say the genes were there for me to excel athletically.

I'm blessed with good genes, but I also love to look my best self.

I have this idea of trying to catalog all the genes on the planet.

I mean you got to thank your parents for giving you the right genes.

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