Be prepared and be honest.

Yoga is just good for you.

I wanted to play baseball!

I enjoy seeing new places.

I like women's basketball.

I was a psycho in college.

I love playing videogames.

I am a tropical black man.

I love wearing my jewelry.

I love the Chinese people.

I play for peace and love.

I study Torah all the time.

Because there are no fours.

My wife's married. I'm not.

I hate rap! Can I say that?

No team works out teamwork.

Play the game with a smile.

Boundaries? What are those?

Make friendship a fine art.

One man cannot make a team.

I'm not going to disappear.

Cleveland fans are awesome.

I love to lift after games.

Incense. Books. Just weird.

I'm a mama's boy above all.

We want to get another one.

A good leader must be fair.

The Bible is a history book.

I owe a lot to my teammates.

I'm thankful for everything.

Minnesota's been good to me.

I used to like Tim Hardaway.

Only poor people go to jail.

I can be fine and not smile.

Nice Site!

Make each day a masterpiece.

I draw from the crowd a lot.

Work ethics eliminates fear.

Hard work speaks for itself.

I'm a very confident person.

I'm a big video game golfer!

I have never been a shooter.

I love the Miami atmosphere.

My numbers are Hall of Fame.

In NBA anything is possible.

'Elf' is one of my favorites.

This has been a dream for me.

French was my first language.

Family time is the best time.

I'll always be a Golden Eagle

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