I always go against the odds.

I used to be an angry person.

Personally, I'm a V-neck guy.

I love 'Gladiator' and '300.'

Make today your master piece.

Drink deeply from good books.

I don't play for recognition.

My work ethic is from sports.

Some dogs are escape artists.

I'm not good with long rests.

The key to success is failure

My life is pretty calculated.

It matters in a fatherly way.

I... am... the son of Jor-El!

I'm a very quotatious person.

It's really tough in the NBA.

Everybody is their own person.

Friendship is a full-time job.

Food is a big part of my life.

My baby is the joy in my life.

I'm very picky in what I wear.

I May Be Wrong but I Doubt It.

Being close ain't good enough.

Houston is awesome. I love it.

I'm a big fan of Marcus Smart.

I don't give a damn about MVP.

I am lighter than Paul Pierce.

I do like to go bowling a lot.

I consider Tom Gores a friend.

Winning is the best deodorant.

I lost my way for a long time.

Listen if you want to be heard

I make people pay their debts.

I'm an old-school type of guy.

I want to go down as a winner.

The Spurs really are a family.

I'm confident with my ability.

No place is better than Akron.

It's almost like we have ESPN.

I respect women to the utmost.

I want the best for the Spurs.

The Earth is moving right now.

Republicans buy sneakers, too.

Life is a sport...drink it up.

I play the game the right way.

I'm very respectful of others.

Valentine's Day's not for men.

LeBron is not a good defender.

You know, I'm very photogenic.

I'll hit them when it matters.

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