In China, we don't have any contemporary art museums. Until a few years ago, we didn't even have a gallery.

In Japan, I focus mostly on sending messages through Twitter, trying to spread my minority way of thinking.

By participating in the society we live in, we understand our conditions and the way we relate to the world.

Through my work and ways of expression, I strive to engage in dialogue with the society that I am living in.

The sticker has no meaning, but exists only to cause people to react, to contemplate and search for meaning.

I think that art has the ability to capture people's imaginations and make them think that more is possible.

My mum and dad were a little like tiger parents. I hate that, but at the same time, I am a little bit proud.

My company, Kaikai Kiki, is unique because it's an art business. I had to find out how to do this by myself.

The practice of photography is no longer a means for recording reality. Instead, it has become reality itself

Street art, of course, is political, because it's illegal, so the very act of doing it is an act of defiance.

China has a rich history that has spanned millennia. It consists of the histories of many nations and regions.

I can still wake up the next day and feel that there's something that needs to be done, which always amuses me.

All movies in China are censored. Out of 600 movies produced in China, only 60 are allowed to show in theatres.

Being an artist is more of a mindset, a way of seeing things; it is no longer so much about producing something.

The Internet is uncontrollable. And if the Internet is uncontrollable, freedom will win. It's as simple as that.

The Internet has established a public sphere and developed a pressure which the government can no longer ignore.

Just because you've reached a certain level of success, that doesn't mean you've become corrupted by the system.

When Justin Bieber started wearing the Obey bar logo, we discontinued it. That was kinda one of the last straws.

I always admire writers. My father was a writer, a poet. I always admire people who can clearly state their mind.

The demand for individual freedom leads us to different realms, and it enables us to participate in social events.

No matter what happens, nothing can prevent the historical process by which society demands freedom and democracy.

The media is the message. It carries the full intention and the meaning. Once you change's very disturbing.

[Cultural departments] don't care about culture. Maybe they're the furthest from the people who understand culture.

I believe [the architecture firm] Herzog and de Meuron and our collaboration made the product the best it could be.

In an environment without public platform nor protection, the individual is the most powerful and most responsible.

I've never had an original thought in my lifeand there's tons of people on the internet happy to tell me just that.

The rest of the world understands little about China's changes and the possibilities and crises that come with them.

I think it’s a responsibility for any artist to protect freedom of expression and to use any way to extend this power.

In my case, I was stuck there for quite a while. New York is large enough to be a very abstract city, so nobody cares.

This is a very general understanding of art in China, that being an artist can make you money and turn you into a star.

To the media, I have become a symbolic figure, critical of China. According to the government, I am a dangerous threat.

[Shanghai Biennale] has been my attitude for as long as I've been practicing art and other cultural-related activities.

Freedom of speech implies the world isn’t defined. It is meaningful when people are allowed to see the world their way.

My understanding of Chinese history is limited. So far, I have only scratched its surface; I wish I could find out more.

We have to give our opinion, we have to say something, or we are a part of it. As an artist I am forced to say something.

I think by shattering it we can create a new form, a new way to look at what is valuable — how we decide what is valuable.

[Being unique] gives so much privilege to people who can make it, rather than having some moral and aesthetic discussions.

My childhood was quite extreme. Sometimes I was so weak I could not stand up. But now I am so strong. Life is unpredictable

It's always the rich and there's plenty to waste, yet still China has a lot of people living in very spare, poor conditions.

I stopped worrying about competition in contemporary art. It feels a little bit more pure. That's where I am, one step back.

Chinese government is very clearly losing power in every aspect, but trying to fix up all the problems or potential problems.

If being original means having to throw paint in front of a jet turbine to hit a canvas 50 ft away then lets not be original.

The great thing about the Internet is, it has made it easier for people who are clever and resourceful to promote themselves.

The internet is a wild land with its own games, languages and gestures through which we are starting to share common feelings.

When I made my Obey logo, it was 100 percent an homage to Barbara Kruger's work and 0 percent had anything to do with Supreme.

Once you've tasted freedom, it stays in your heart and no one can take it. Then, you can be more powerful than a whole country.

It doesn't matter where I am - China will stay in me. I don't know how far I can still walk on this road and what is the limit.

I try to find a balance between positivity and negativity, celebration and critique in my work; I think there is room for both.

It's really rubbish that some kind of "technical" learning means you will be a better person because you know this skill better.

There's no single artwork I even want to mention or that I can even really think about it to have any feeling, to be proud of it.

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