Clothes are incredibly symbolic.

A symbolic victory is still a victory.

Everybody in Hollywood loves symbolic gestures.

Frontiers are physical as well as symbolic constructions

If you want a symbolic gesture, don't burn the flag; wash it.

The sharing of food is like breaking bread, it's very symbolic.

I feel the symbolic world is the nub of a problem for an artist.

The whole of life is symbolic because the whole of it has meaning.

Cynicism is something which has become symbolic of imperial policy.

I'm not a religious person. The language of photography is symbolic.

The words that we use I think are symbolic of the values that we hold.

A person who forgoes the use of his symbolic skills is never really free.

The personal, if it is deep enough, becomes universal, mythical, symbolic.

Elvis is symbolic of a lot of things, dreams coming true being one of them.

Steve Jobs now rests with the sublime satisfaction of symbolic immortality.

Roots is not just a saga of my family. It is the symbolic saga of a people.

Source truth exists in greater abundance outside of the symbolic system of words.

When writing is good, everything is symbolic, but symbolic writing is seldom good.

People's most prized possessions carry deeply symbolic and emotional significance.

Every holiday has unique fare and symbolic foods, but none as much as Rosh Hashana.

As a whole, I am interested in the symbolic, rather than the literal use of the camera.

Seven is the magic figure, because that's a symbolic figure of my favorite deity, Ogun.

If I had to find one characteristic that is most symbolic of me, I think I am tenacious.

It was a symbolic moment when 'Moonlight' literally took the Oscar out of 'La La Land's' hand.

People without an internalized symbolic system can all too easily become captives of the media.

In any architecture, there is an equity between the pragmatic function and the symbolic function.

Marriage is absolutely something that's important to me. It's the ultimate symbolic step in love.

Men do not have to cook their food; they do so for symbolic reasons to show they are men and not beasts.

Establishing the two Eids as official holidays will carry important practical and symbolic significance.

It's always great to have things from France at a wedding. It's symbolic of style, of culture, of taste.

There have been people who represent something very symbolic and I've been freaked out interviewing them.

Scientific reality is the modern human condition, and you can see that in the symbolic nature of my work.

Whoever believes that a symbolic tank parade on the alliance's eastern border will bring security is mistaken.

I think of a monument as being symbolic and for the people and therefore rhetorical, not honest, not personal.

To try to convey literally what the Garden of Eden was like is meaningless. What matters is its symbolic function.

I think where traditional values are concerned, Chinese people see nature as very symbolic. It's a form of culture.

'A Christmas Carol' is an extravagantly symbolic thing - as rich in symbols as Christmas pudding is rich in raisins.

A door handle is very symbolic to me. It is the first object that one will interact with before entering a new space.

I just think that everything is symbolic, and who you are determines everything that you do, small moves and big moves.

Man's ultimate concern must be expressed symbolically, because symbolic language alone is able to express the ultimate.

To the media, I have become a symbolic figure, critical of China. According to the government, I am a dangerous threat.

Berlin has a uniquely haunting nature, symbolic of a problematic system that was created to oppress and divide a nation.

The symbolic view of things is a consequence of long absorption in images. Is sign language the real language of Paradise?

My mother was an economics professor. I'm proficient in math, and statistics, game theory, symbolic logic and all of that.

I prefer tailored clothes. I always have. But I find that whatever I wear, people see it as charged with symbolic meaning.

The cost to Tata of purchasing Land Rover and Jaguar may have been small, but its wider symbolic significance is enormous.

I've become invested with this symbolic power. It really does transcend what I'm actually doing and what I actually deserve.

For me, a memoir is supposed to be understood as a representation of your life, whereas a novel is self-consciously symbolic.

Unlike the United Kingdom or the Commonwealth, the umma, or Muslim community, has no symbolic leader, let alone a formal one.

There's something in human nature that says we need to have at least one symbolic place where chaos and dark desires can live.

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