Nobody in the city of Los Angeles knows how to catch an alligator, ...

Nobody in the city of Los Angeles knows how to catch an alligator, ... We have no experience in recreation and parks, the zoo or animal control.

MAMMON, n. The god of the world's leading religion. The chief temple ...

MAMMON, n. The god of the world's leading religion. The chief temple is in the holy city of New York.

I love cities.

Cities must be fun.

I love New York City.

God! I loove this city!

The City that knows how.

The people are the city.

Minnesota's a great city.

L.A. is my American city.

Most cities are the same.

I live in too many cities.

A lamb in a city of wolves.

It's a holy city for music.

I love this city [Tel Aviv]!

The cool, grey city of love.

Every city is a living body.

Not I, but the city teaches.

Berlin is my favourite city.

City wits, country humorists.

Every town has an Elm Street.

London; a nation, not a city.

New York is a fantastic city.

New York is my favorite city.

When in Rome, do as Rome does.

Even cities have their graves!

New York City is my playground.

Cities are about juxtaposition.

New York is the last true city.

What is the city but the people?

I don't care much for the cities.

Cities are platforms for sharing.

Nature is a petrified magic city.

A great city is a great solitude.

Paris isn't a city, it's a world.

Blame the city I'm a product of it

Atlanta is an incredibly cool city.

I love Toronto, It's the best city.

The critics don't build great cities

I love driving in the city at night.

all large cities are alike at night.

New York is the only real city-city.

Never take an elevator in city hall.

The city that has speed has success.

It's hard to be a saint in the city.

Libraries are the pride of the city.

Transformed people transform cities.

Edinburgh used to be a haughty city.

Los Angeles can be a really sad city.

Everything is real, except Beika City

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