Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my ...

Let my soul smile through my heart and my heart smile through my eyes, that I may scatter rich smiles in sad hearts.

Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich.

If work were so pleasant, the rich would keep it for themselves.

If work were so pleasant, the rich would keep it for themselves.

I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He ...

I know a man who gave up smoking, drinking, sex, and rich food. He was healthy right up to the day he killed himself.

The poor man with industry is happier than the rich man in idleness.

The poor man with industry is happier than the rich man in idleness.

He that is not handsome at 20, nor strong at 30, nor rich at 40, nor ...

He that is not handsome at 20, nor strong at 30, nor rich at 40, nor wise at 50, will never be handsome, strong, rich or wise.

I'm filthy rich!

I am rich enough.

Think and grow rich.

Think rich, look poor.

Nobody ever feels rich.

To get rich is glorious.

He that is rich is wise.

I am the rich man's guru.

Rich Gang is a rich look.

I like them old and rich.

A snow yeare, a rich yeare.

Rich folk don't try so hard

Only the rich are lonesome.

The rich feel full of merit.

He who is contented is rich.

Rich with the spoils of time.

Good workmen are seldom rich.

Faults that are rich are fair.

Rich people are afraid to die.

Percentages are why I am rich.

Anyone can be rich in promises.

I don't steal things. I'm rich.

The rich are different from us.

Rich with the spoils of nature.

Good workemen are seldome rich.

Let some people get rich first.

I want to get rich and die old.

To appear rich, we become poor.

I haven't met a rich technician

I'm old, I'm rich and I'm tired.

No legacy is so rich as honesty.

The trained mind is a rich mind.

Morals are a luxury of the rich.

You're just too poor to get rich.

The chase of gain is rich in hate

He only is rich who owns the day.

I think mine is a very rich life.

How do rich people think and act?

The world's fat is badly divided.

Texas is rich in unredeemed dreams

I just want to be rich and famous.

Money has yet to make anyone rich.

A rich man's joke is always funny.

A rich man's joke is always funny.

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