I want to be a Tiger.

In me the tiger sniffs the rose.

Tiger's a horrible golf teacher.

But I'm the child of a tiger mom.

The NRA - they are a paper tiger.

In waking a tiger, use a long stick.

Tiger Woods makes me a better athlete.

I don't have contempt for Tiger Woods.

Maybe I should write 'Tiger Who?' on my cap.

A tiger does not shout its tigritude, it acts.

Nobody else is Tiger Woods. Not on this planet.

The tiger springs in the new year. Us he devours.

If you rile a tiger, he's going to show his claws.

I realize Tiger Woods is Tiger Woods; he's intimidating.

Tiger Woods and Roger Federer: those two are born winners.

An oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger.

Do women golfers say they could go out and beat Tiger Woods?

I've often felt that the Indian tiger has not been unleashed.

Seven and the Ragged Tiger took six months to record and finish.

The most magnificent creature in the entire world, the tiger is.

It doesn't much concern me if Tiger plays in the tournament or no.

I have to make things right with Tiger first before anything else.

'Year Of The Tiger' definitely has much more of a blues-based vibe.

I have both English bulldog determination and Bengal tiger strength.

If Tiger Woods had played football, he would have been a quarterback.

Tiger Woods is the only sports star who's worth every penny he makes.

I like to be a tiger roaming the jungle or an eagle soaring the skies.

I bleed blue. I love being a Tiger and love being back here in Memphis.

Tiger's swing when he won the Masters by 12 shots - I loved that swing.

My goal is to be the No. 1 golfer in the world, and I want to chase Tiger.

I have been given the tag of Sher Khan. So, the tiger is my spirit animal.

No, I want my kids to be Tiger Woods. And Serena Williams. I dig those two.

'The Tiger And The Snow' is a beautiful movie. I am in love with this idea.

I don't think I even understand all that Tiger's done for the game of golf.

I got three 'Tiger Woods' games for my Xbox just in case one gets scratched.

I got to live through the Tiger Woods era and who knows who's still to come.

I think anytime any record is compared to Tiger, it's always going to be good.

There's nothing anyone can do about Tiger Woods but look at his game and swoon.

Tiger Woods is the epitome of what people should try to be like in this country.

When I go out, a lot of people and their tiny tots call me Tiger Shroff's daddy.

An infallible method of conciliating a tiger is to allow oneself to be devoured.

I can't stand Tiger Woods. He is the most selfish man I've ever played golf with.

I just wasn't cut out to be a Chinese Tiger Mom. I'm more of an Irish Setter Dad.

One of Tiger's trademarks in his prime was his ability to fight for every stroke.

It's nice to win. I'll never win again. I may have to take up golf - take on Tiger.

I feel like a tiger right now. There's nothing impossible if you get up and work for it.

I've known Tiger since he was 18. Tiger is a great guy. I am so happy for him right now.

My mom grew up in the Soviet Bloc, and she was a Tiger Mom. We didn't get away with much.

I used to be PlayStation only, but Xbox 360 is really cool, so we play 'Live' and 'Tiger.'

I did 'Ek Tha Tiger,' but I wasn't in 'Tiger Zinda Hai.' I know and I feel that I'm ignored.

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