You do not fly the flags of losers over the winner's country.

A lot of times, our greatest minds are locked into a 9-5 job.

I'm one of the only people I know that often sleeps in boots.

My collaborative albums are always way more enjoyable to make.

In Africa... age is not important over there. They don't care.

God used words to create this planet, so be careful with them.

I have a tendency to dip my foot in self-destructive behavior.

We travel the world, and our right to free speech is precious.

Martin Luther King, Jr. was a revolutionary, simple and plain.

People say money ain't nothing; money is basically everything.

I pray daily for wisdom on how to serve my kids without words.

I think that a lot of people just don't understand creativity.

I want to stay learning and hopefully allow my craft to evolve.

Going to church and stuff was just something I did with my mom.

Everybody has their opinion and they are going to critique you.

I had a year, where... I was secretly, 100 percent, dead broke.

Hypebeasts want shoes just to say other people don't have them.

Hip-Hop is my vehicle to scientific and universal enlightenment

I'm really into simple things - things you could wear every day.

We never got on a big, big tour, but we did a lot of spot dates.

I just don't believe in making music about making music anymore.

Beef is best served like steak: Well done, get a gun in ya face.

There's an economy of violence. It's sexy. It's being exploited.

I used to do a lot of one-off collabs, features, stuff like that.

When have you heard a story about the hero dying for the villain?

It takes a moment to make memories and a lifetime to forget them.

The Bible is referred to in scripture as the sword of the spirit.

At the end of the day, you can't take my love for my people away.

If the eyes are the window to your soul open eyes bring the cold.

Playing basketball is definitely one of my favorite things to do.

Why should I be sober when God is so clearly dusted out his mind?

When I'm not feeling something, I have a very hard time doing it.

It's hard - it's difficult to tell when your buzz is at its peak.

Work harder than anybody you've ever seen. That's what I believe.

The most beautiful pieces of art come from the ugliest situations.

A trap lord is basically the lord of the trap, and my trap is rap.

Atheists are just as obnoxious if not more obnoxious than zealots.

You can spend your time Dreaming about Living or Living your Dream

My mom's mission my entire teenage years was just to save my life.

I maintain hope that this country can be what it's supposed to be.

The more harder you work, the less you're out spending your money.

It's true that PC culture has created very little honest dialogue.

I always try to act like I'm some old school artist from the 1960s.

We're fighting internal struggles, I am the cancer for my own cure.

I like different shoes with different themes for different reasons.

All my dreams are coming true all across the board for some reason.

Someone tried to introduce me to Michael Bloomberg, but I declined.

At the end of the day, I'm talented, and there's only one Lil Mama.

I wanted it to live in all the diverse neighborhoods I've lived in.

Racism been over. It's the old people that keep on holding on to it.

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