When you have style, it doesn't matter what other people are saying.

I'm a person who likes to develop. I like for people to see me grow.

I've been betrayed a lot of times in life. I think everybody's been.

I think vulnerability is one of the most amazing things about music.

People can label me whatever they like. I don't really care any more.

As you get bigger, your staff gets bigger, and your costs get bigger.

I know all I really wanna do is get money and take care of my family.

If you're following your heart, you're moving in the right direction.

Women's style is so hard for me. I just know what I think looks good.

That's one thing I can't lose: I can't lose the realness in my music.

One of the great aspects about [Barack Obama] is who he is as a human.

With me, I'm going to have a label where no one is ever cheated, ever.

America has done a great job making brutally fast, stripped-down cars.

I believe there's a god above me, I'm just the god of everything else!

Sitting with the woman of your dreams and forgetting what her name is.

Soul brother number 1+1 Gettin' fed like where drugs and guns come from

Being naked in water - there's nothing better. It's primal and freeing.

I tried to get Steven Seagal for my 'Stepfather Factory' video in 2002.

Even with social media and where we are...everything is about the look.

Earnestness can go wrong in hip hop. On this album, it goes very right.

I'm just tryin to be somebody I can talk to in the morning with a smile.

As a person you want to be respected. Respect is always important to me.

There's no wrong way of doing art. It's an expression of the individual.

I got tired of everybody repeating the same phrases in the hip-hop world.

I had a lot of friends be kind of standoffish after I became a Christian.

I'm trying to consciously evolve myself. I have no delusions of grandeur.

Change is a direct element of hip-hop. That's the whole thing with style.

Fashion right now, people are so...everything is driven by the aesthetic.

I wanted to create an album that spoke all the musical languages I loved.

I'm not a manufactured artist. Nobody taught me how to be a proper artist.

Justice is juxtaposition in us Justice for all just ain't specific enough.

I've never had a huge collection of records; I've never been a beat digga.

Wu-Tang has only done, like, three rehearsals throughout our whole career.

I always viewed myself as kind of hip-hop's outcast, or hip-hop's stepson.

If I was to get money, that's the first thing you would get: a '96 Impala.

I got a Lucifer soul. I'll be the Devil's son, Devil's work, gettin' work.

People saying that you been robbed is almost better than winning a Grammy.

Me personally, I just wanted to do that to capture These Days.With DAY-lyt.

Just because I run an indie label doesn't mean I don't think Jay-Z is nice.

I'm a late-night person who likes to eat a lot of breakfast stuff at night.

I think I'm okay; I got a pretty good shot when I concentrate. I like pool.

In God we trust, the game is all us. Til the sky calls or its flames on us.

I love that Jesus showed He cared while at the same time telling the truth.

Wings' was my moment to free myself from everything that was destroying me.

Just know what you're talking about and if you don't, look it up. Education.

Don't ask for a cig' - I'm so self-centered, I won't even share this cancer.

Most rappers these days is actors, And I can't keep watching the same movie.

I didn't spend money on nothin'. Besides my daughter, bucket hats, and weed.

I think the sports industry and the music industry are all tied in together.

The most popular rap artists aren't supposed to be rapping about being broke.

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