Tell us your phobias and we will tell you what you are afraid of

The whole world is watching America, and America is watching TV.

Glamour: the indefinable something about a girl with a big bosom.

You can't brace yourself for famine if you've never known hunger.

It's unrealistic to live your life within such strict parameters.

I've often lost faith in myself, I've never lost it in my family.

there's a reason regular people don't appear on TV: we're boring.

Life is one damned kitten after another." Mehitabel the Alley Cat

Some persons are likeable in spite of their unswerving integrity.

Let us start a new religion with one commandment, "Enjoy thyself.

Men mourn for what they have lost; women for what they ain't got.

Tell us your phobias and we will tell you what you are afraid of.

I always think it's a good policy to like the people who like you.

Not every woman in old slippers can manage to look like Cinderella

An optimist is the person who has never had any experience at all.

Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.

the high cost of living isnt so bad if you dont have to pay for it

The best creed we can have is charity toward the creeds of others.

Fashion makes fools of some, sinners of others, and slaves of all.

I loathe writing. On the other hand I'm a great believer in money.

This is what makes me happy: Remembering where I put my house keys.

The only true love is love at first sight; second sight dispels it.

The wheel that squeaks the loudest is the one that gets the grease.

There never yet was a mother who taught her child to be an infidel.

Woman's influence is powerful, especially when she wants something.

Never run into debt, not if you can find anything else to run into.

One legged chickens, I know, are the least apt to scratch a garden.

Drawing on my fine command of the English language, I said nothing.

What we should have fought for was representation without taxation.

There are lots of things that happen to me that I don't write about.

A pessimist is a person who has had to listen to too many optimists.

The man who has never been tempted doesn't know how dishonest he is.

The fools in this world make about as much trouble as the wicked do.

Selfish people, with no heart to speak of, have the best time of it.

Except for an occasional heart attack I feel as young as I ever did.

One cubic foot less of space and it would have constituted adultery.

We old roosters must be cautious. Don't try to outwit your arteries.

Just try to be happy. Unhappiness starts with wanting to be happier.

I like champagne because it always tastes as though my foot's asleep.

The most important thing about writing a book is having book parties.

Bores bore each other too; but it never seems to teach them anything.

Pyrotechnically considered, [laughing] is the fire-works of the soul.

Error will slip through a crack, while truth will stick in a doorway.

I do not know of a better cure for sorrow than to pity somebody else.

I don't care how much a man talks, if he only says it in a few words.

I know I'm drinking myself to a slow death, but then I'm in no hurry.

A freelance is one who gets paid by the word -- per piece or perhaps.

The ideal age for a boy to own a dog is between forty-five and fifty.

Lead us not into temptation. Just tell us where it is; we'll find it.

Have you ever seen a candidate talking to a rich person on television?

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