I was never one for dolls.

Laughter is inner jogging.

Everybody needs an editor.

Don't give up your dreams.

Living together is an art.

Death is a door life opens.

alone, adj. In bad company.

Woman absent is woman dead.

Noise: a stench in the ear.

Duty should be a byproduct.

Cable TV? Stressful? Never.

I'm a citizen of the world.

Memory. My poison, my food.

I write in order to belong.

Virtue knows no color line.

Sons love moms forevermore.

Collection is an addiction.

True information does good.

I'm just a tough old woman.

The President's very shrewd

Oppurtunity Makes the Thief

Woman absent is woman dead.

We defeated communist Japan.

To sleep is an act of faith.

The past is a sorry country.

Be bold, free, and truthful.

The game taught me the game.

Genius is intuition on fire.

Good people drink good beer.

I suffer from everyday life.

hindsight is not a strategy.

Remove failure as an option.

A boy is a dangerous animal.

I'm proud of being Hispanic.

Most journalists are idiots.

Nothing lasts-not even pain.

Education liberates a woman.

Least said is soon disavowed.

Misquoting drives me bananas.

Religious people are happier.

Variety is the spice of love.

Genius is initiative on fire.

Wake up and ponder the future

Politics is a tough business.

Arousal leaves us mind-blind.

I'm much too modest a person.

Truth is the first of jewels.

I am the luckiest guy I know.

I actually believe in denial.

The empty nest is underrated.

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